Chapter Seven Level 1 out of 100,000

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Ke'an successfully changed System's clothing to fit her and he inscribed a magic circle of warmth on them using the editor. After using the editor the third time he suddenly passed out, waking up several hours later with his head in System's lap. He has an unusually sweet taste in his mouth almost like she had been feeding him honey but far more delicious. She is fast asleep, her back is up against the tree but she is slumped forward facing Ke'an. He takes the opportunity to get a closer look at her face. He thought she looked cute but also kind of funny without eyebrows then realized he is in the exact same situation having lost all of his hair as well. She has both a hood up and headwrap which hides the fact she is also bald.

Ke'an turns his head and looks out to the now brightening sky as the sun is slowly rising in the horizon. Then he feels a drip on his cheek and looks up again, noticing that his face is wet. System is still asleep but drooling which subsequently dripped onto his lips and into his mouth. Her saliva being unnaturally sweet and tasting like something far more delicious than anything he ever has eaten before. Even so his stomach churns in disgust as he realizes that he was asleep with his mouth open.

He remembered one of their conversations before in which she told him that the bodily fluids of an Administrator is akin to ambrosia. The only reason he isn't driven insane is because he is no longer human himself. Still the thought of her slobbing into his mouth all night accidentally sends him into a disgusted panic. He quickly sits up accidentlily headbutting her as he wipes his face.

"Ah! What the fu-ahh!" System screams as she grabs her head.

"Sorry!" Ke'an says apologetically. "Are you okay?"

"That's what I get for being nice." System says as she continues to hold her head and lets out a pained whimper. "Who wakes up like that and headbutts someone?"

"It was an accident. You startled me! I don't even remember going to sleep." Ke'an says in his defense.

"You passed out. That is what happens if you use your Administrative authority too much in one day." System says while rubbing her forehead.

"I only used it three times." Ke'an states.

"So, two times is your limit." Systems says.

"Could you only use it twice a day?" Ke'an asks.

"I was a being older than this universe! Of course I could use it more than twice." System says with some haughtiness in her pained words. "After you live a couple millenia you will be able to create worlds. What level are you anyway?"

"Level? Is that on the menu as well?" Ke'an asks. "Wait, when I selected your..." Ke'an glances at her chest.

"My what, Ke'an?" System says as her gaze sharpens.

"Clothing." Ke'an says with an innocent smile. "It said you were level one."

"Yes, when I was reincarnated I was given the body of a fallen instead of a transcendent like you." System says. "You should have a level too. You took my amazing power, even if you can't stabilize reality, with all of my power you still have to be pretty high level... two hundred maybe higher."

"How do I check?" Ke'an asks.

"Say or think the phrase, open profile self, and that should do the trick. Then just read me what is on the menu." System says.

"Open profile self," Ke'an says.

A menu appears in front of Ke'an; this one has an image of him standing in a neutral position with his current outfit on the right and text on the left.

Ke'an Strome Character Profile

Name: Ke'an Dagra Strome

Age: 20

I Killed the Last Dragon and became the AdministratorWhere stories live. Discover now