Chapter 23 Toothy Smile

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"From beyond the veil, the strings extend, guided by my will, I shall mend." System's voice echoes from behind the makeshift walls that surround the temple. "With ancient knowledge, I control the flow, unraveling the attack, reversing the blow."

In an instant Ke'an feels System's magic course through him bleaching out all other sensations. The spell she used was her Weaver skill which could negate a fatal attack on one person. Everything seems to slow down as Azeraath realizes he fell into some kind of trap but it is too late. The open wound instantly closes and the armor reforms as Ke'an grabs the sabre with his left hand and pulls out his revolver with his right. Azeraath tries to pull his sword out of Ke'an's grip but finds that he can not.

A bloody smile stretches across Ke'an's face as he looks Azeraath in the eyes and says in a deadpan voice. "I claim the head if kings."

He aims the gun, not at Azeraath knowing he can easily dodge, but at the flat of the Greater Wraith Sabre. Azeraath screams as he brings his other hand wielding the ice saw around in hopes to cleave Ke'an in two before he can shoot. In an explosion of fire and force the sword shatters and the two warriors are rocketed away from each other. Ke'an is blasted back skipping along the ground like a rock across a pond until he slams into one of the walls surrounding the temple. Meanwhile Azeraath is sent into one of the many flaming buildings which collapses from the impact.

Ke'an lets out a grunt as he looks in his hands; in his left is half of Azeraath's shattered blade and in his right is his broken revolver finally ruptured from his magic. Ke'an muses to himself that the plan worked like he and System imagined. System is going to be out of the fight now that she used her Weaver skill which most likely used all of her mana and put her to sleep. He drops the gun in his inventory and focuses on the blade, wasting no time in activating his Usurper skill.

Ke'an says between gritted teeth. "What was yours is now mine."

The cold feeling of a new skill entering him quickly passes as his eyes open wide. Finally he gained a new skill in his Regicide skill tree.

Skill Assignment Menu

Assigning a skill will enable you to utilize it without ritual. A skill will be modified by your skill Tree. Skill has automatically been assigned.

He quickly opens his skill menu to look at the new ability not wanting to make the same mistake as before. His skill tree now has a new icon connected by golden roots to Regicide. The icon is of a glaive covered in blood and with a crown hanging from the blade. As he looks at the icon the description materializes.

Skill: Glaive of Entropy 0.00%

Skill type: Bound Weapon

Cooldown: none

Magic Cost: Variable

Effect: Call forth the entropic forces given tangible form summon, the Glaive of Entropy. Infusing glaive with minimum mana will activate [Absolute Zero] skill.

Transcendent effect: Glave of Entropy can be summoned as any bladed melee weapon.

Ke'an shifted his attention to the effect that the Glaive of Entropy will cause.

Absolute Zero

[Elemental Enchantment]

Infuse target weapon with the ancient enchantment that embodies the essence of absolute zero. Weapon will emanate an aura of magic frost. Strike unleash waves of frigid energy freezing anything it is path. With each successful attack weapon will absorb heat from the surrounding, growing colder and bypassing immunities to cold.

Ke'an winces as he stands up the pain of being run through with a blade covered in destructive energy may have healed but he still has phantom soreness. The magic System used only healed the fatal attack and all of the other bumps and bruises still hurt. As he stands he looks at his mini map and as it expands he sees Azeraath's red dot in the collapsed building. He is hopeful that the raging inferno will be enough to finally put an end to the evil whispered. His hopes are dashed as the dot starts slowly moving out of the flames.

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