Chapter 24 Yes, But No Tongue

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Ke'an shoots awake reaching for his weapon at his side as he sits up. However, nothing is there and as his vision returns he sees that he is in a bedchamber within the Temple of Batri and there are several beds in a row along the far wall. A few aches yell out in protest of his sudden movements as he calms down. There are a few of Vex lanterns lit and the room is dim with no windows to let in natural light. He hears snoring beside him and sees that System is fast asleep in a separate bed close by. The fact that they are in a bed means that they must have succeeded and Azeraath is dead. Ke'an allows himself to fall back down into the warm bed and incase himself in the thick comforter.

"Co-co-congratulations!" A loud and energetic Network says in Ke'an's head. "If you are hearing this recording, you have passed your first combat trial, wasn't it fun! Just remember that while the combat trials are exhilarating, you are here to work and grow as an Administrator, gaining experience and honing your skills. Embrace the challenges ahead and strive for excellence. Onward, Administrator!"

"What in the name of the Goddess?" Ke'an exclaimed.

The recording continued as if it were having a conversation on its own. "Woah there eager beaver, or whatever quantifies as beaver in the reality the Tutorial Beta is running in! I know you want to get out there and level up, gain transcendent experience and start building realities from the primordial nonentity, but you know how the old adage goes. You have to transmigrate basic reality structures from the fundamental codex before you can refine nonexistence into..."

Ke'an zoned out as the voice continued on in a rather unsettling jovialness from the normally monotone Network. Ke'an remembers System saying that Network recorded all messages for the tutorial beta back before she became an Administrator herself. He could not fathom how long ago that must have been so this would have been back when he was much more animated with his job. Ke'an focused on what the recording was saying again in hopes to get more information on what is going on.

"... Good news, The Tutorial beta has successfully been installed into this reality. Thanks to your hard work and from the data collected from your fight trial it has been discovered that this world's level is insufficient to cultivate the work ethic required of our staff. Do not fear we here at Infinity Inc. always ensure the correct training and retraining programs to build the very best Administrators. The Tutorial Beta will now reset maximums and minimums the world levels for all beings! This will also affect your stats! The world level max will be increased from 100 to 250. Monster manifestations including demonic entities will be increased. Incursions protocol will pull entities including sentient beings, animals, monsters, landmassess and celestial bodies to be intigrated into this reality!

"Oh it looks like there was a clash between magic systems used in this reality and those used in the Tutorial Beta. To prevent an extinction level event from occuring all sentient native inhabitants of this reality will have basic menu access to integrate their skills and magic! Temporary EXP bonus will be granted to native inhabitants so they will be able to protect themselves from you and the increased spawn rates of more powerful monsters.

"As a reward for completing the combat trial on your first try you have been given bonus rewards. Check out your rewards menu to collect your prizes! This message and the Tutorial Beta is brought to you by Infinity Inc. we look forward to your many successes. If you have any questions please feel free to ask your direct supervisor or a TR representative."

A new menu opens called "Quest Rewards" which shows the items Ke'an received for completing his most recent quest.

Quest Rewards

(1/1) Christened in Blood and Ice

5 transcendent experience points

5 health potions

I Killed the Last Dragon and became the AdministratorWhere stories live. Discover now