Chapter Six Apprentice Administrator

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Ke'an is lying down on System's back in deep meditation when an epiphany hits him and he opens his eyes. He flips around and looks at System's scales. His eyes open wide as he views the unfathomable universes contained within them. Sparkling inside of her are trillions of tiny stars, nebulae and worlds. He recalls how not once has he seen her use any diagrams, inscription or incantations when she summoned food or water for him.

Ke'an slides down off of her not really sure how long he had been meditating. He walks around System's massive body up to her face. He looks into her large and tired eyes which also sparked with tiny stars. Her breathing is staggered and sickly wet. He touches her cheek feeling the hard glassy scale beneath his hand.

"Are you ready to try again?" System says as another portal opens up and drops a stick of chalk into Ke'an free hand.

"I am ready but I am not going to need this." Ke'an says with a long breath. "You could have just told me what I was doing wrong, you know."

"I was enjoying the company..." System says as she closes her eyes. "These past few months have been fun... please proceed."

Ke'an focus his magic into her, performing magic without a circle in that moment being one with the universe and System. Ke'an for a moment lost himself to the dreamlike trance as his magic mixed with reality itself. Ke'an has to thrust his mind into an abyss of power so grand that he is but a speck of dust in a raging storm. His soul is being stretched well beyond what should break it and yet he is strong. Ke'an feels an endless moment which he bears witness to all things and the veil of causality is lifted revealing the dream. Through it all in the infinite moment, where mortals should crumble, Ke'an claimed his existence and with it came power.

In a burst of light and energy, System's body rapidly disintegrates into fine specks of blackened light. The energy swirls around Ke'an as he watches System vanish. He feels System's great power to rewrite reality surge into him faster and faster. His soul is permeated with power and violated with divinity now his right to bear. No pain is comparable to having once soul remade so completely.

"New Administrator Login detected... analyzing..." A disembodied voice says in Ke'an's head. "You do not meet the requirements to access Administrator privileges. You have obtained an [Administrator Core]. Your body will be remade from available [Administrator Core]... analyzing... purge of unqualified material will commence now."

What starts as a numbing pain deep inside of him becomes blinding hot. Blood and bile flows from his skin and every available orifice as if his body is rejecting its own organs. He tries to scream out in pain as he keels over to the ground. He throws up what he thought was his lunch, but in actuality his blood, teeth and his own tongue. His body is grinding itself apart removing bone and flesh in equal measure.

His body is being replaced to match his new soul which rejects his weak human form. The remaining magic left behind by System's disintegrating body is being used as the new building material for a new body. Every minute is full of unending agony as flesh and muscle melt away only to be replaced and regrown. Hours creep by as Ke'an screams himself hoarse until the pain finally stops and he passes out in a pile of his former body.

"Purge of unqualified material successful... analyzing. Welcome Administrator Login Successful." The cold disembodied voice continues.

"New Administrator profile created." A voice rings in Ke'an's head. "Administrator-75,353,147,861 has replaced Administrator-13. Administrator-75,353,147,861 will be redesignated to Administrator-13."

The voice is inhuman, robotic and cold. Ke'an opens his eyes and sees he is laying in a mound gore. He quickly stands up and checks himself over to make sure he is alive and whole. He runs his hands up and his naked form frantically checking around his body with his eyes. He hops out of the pile of what used to be his body on the floor. He is unsure how he survived the ordeal, but as far as he can tell his new form is also human although he no longer has his long hair. He sees his long platinum hair in the pile along with his former skull.

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