Chapter 19 Not Into Grandmothers

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Ke'an mentally accepted and a new menu appeared; this one looks like a fusion of his Profile and Skill menus However it has System's information instead of his own.

System Volte Lock Character Profile (Shared)

Name: System Volte Lock

Age: ∞

Bio. Sex: Female

Race: Fallen

Class: Dragon Pugilist

Active Title: Reality Breaker

Restricted Title: None

World Level: 11 out of 100

World Attributes

Intelligence: 25 (+75)

Strength: 20 (+20)

Dexterity: 20 (+10)

Vitality: 10 (+5)

Durability 10 (+5)

HealthRegeneration: 13 (+87)

Magic Regeneration: 12 (+0)

"Woah it just has a lemniscate as your age. That is wild." Ke'an says as he scrolls down on her character profile.

"That's what you focused on?" System says slightly red in the face.

"I mean, you said you were older than the universe but..." Ke'an kept his head down while he glances up at her only with his eyes then back at the profile with a smile. "At least I know I am not into grandmothers."

"I will have you know that in my society I am still young and I don't have kids, or grandkids! " System yells, she then looks herself over. "It's your stupid manly clothing that I am wearing." She then pouts while crossing her arms. "I think I look rather good as a fallen."

Ke'an continues to scroll down on the menu feeling like he has teased her enough. Her skill tree looks different from his. Instead of three distinct trees they were all together. Her three main skills were stacked in a pyramid with two on the bottom and one on top. The golden roots that expanded out from them intermingled and grew together making it difficult for Ke'an to see which skills belonged to what branch. System explained that his skills look the same way to her and that this is how the tutorial keeps other people from knowing what skills belong to what branch. System's main skills are Godkin, Weaver and Forsaken Fist. While Ke'an could see the icons the skill descriptions would not appear for him.

"We will likely have to form a guild before I can show you my skill descriptions in a menu." Systems says. "We can worry about that later though. The short of my skills are Godkin, which is completely useless and won't be any help other than looking flashy. Weaver, will allow me to save one of us one time from a fatal attack. The cooldown is five hours and I will be out of mana and probably pass out after I use it. Forsaken Fist is a self enhancement to melee damage, magical attacks and reaction speed. It consumes a lot of mana but with it I can somewhat keep up with Azeraath."

"What does Godkin do? Why would you have a useless skill?" Ke'an asks.

"It will make people that venerate me as their Goddess slightly more powerful. I will get more powerful the more followers I have, living or dead." System says uninterestedly with an eyeroll. "Worshipers are the worst though, they are always asking for stuff and not to mention the zealots...uh... no offense to you and Batri she pulls off zealotry nicely."

Ke'an shakes his head in disbelief at the absurdity System just casually calls a useless skill. "I have so many questions about that but I will save them for later. Is that all of your skills?"

"No, I have one more. It is called Lingering Power but I can't use it yet or it will most likely..." She pauses as if doing math in her head. "No, no it will definitely kill me." She says more assuredly.

"That doesn't sound useful." Ke'an says as he looks back down at his skill menu. "Why do my skills have percentages?"

"Skills will evolve when they are used. They may grow in power, take on different effects or decrease magic cost or cooldown or side effects." Systems responds as she waves her hand through the air, presumably dismissing the menus in her vision. "Sometimes an evolving skill takes on totally new properties but it's pretty rare. Right now the Tutorial Beta is still working itself through the universe so some features are not active yet."

"We will come back to that last part later." Ke'an interjects. "When a skill evolves does it change its name also? Usurper was a different skill before. It was what I used to take abilities from others. How I use it is completely different from how it was used before."

"That is an integrated skill. So when you become a transcendent magics that were once complex are rudimentary. I mean they would still be complex if you were human but your brain comprehends magic in a completely different way now. Essentially, you can think of it this way, you are doing all of the complicated math in your head and the universe no longer needs to see your work for you to pass the test."

"So it's cheating!" Ke'an exclaims proudly. "Great, I like it. Okay, let me try this then." Ke'an says as he closes his eyes. He could envision the words of power come to his lips as soon as he thought to call upon the new skill. "From frost comes freeze, break and shatter."

The sensation of cold swept over Ke'an as his magic crystalized in the form of a cloak of ice and mist. Unlike Azeraath's cloak this one was not solid and would shift between small flex of ice and a fine mist. The cloak, called the Veil of Winter, seemed to blend Ke'an into his surroundings making him appear smaller and almost translucent around the edges. System picks up a rock and throws it at him as hard as she can. As soon as the rock comes into contact with the mist, what looks like a sheet of ice manifests intersecting it. The ice cracks to disperse the force before harmlessly falling to the ground and shattering.

"This is amazing!" Ke'an says as he flails his arms around admiring the effects. "Even I can barely see me in this thing."

"It is a good skill but be careful with it." System responds as she looks him up and down. "It takes a lot of magic to use. If we didn't have all of these trees out here fueling us I doubt you could keep it on very long. Also keep in mind anyone with magical perception will be able to see you like a beacon. Once the skill levels up a few times you'll probably be able to use it to turn you completely invisible to all senses."

"What! How do I do that!" Ke'an exclaims his eyes wide at the thought. "An invisibility power! You know what I can do with that?"

"Steal stuff." System says unamused. "Look one thing at a time mister I know you are a thief and all."

"You make it sound like all I talk about is stealing stuff. If you think I am bad you should meet my sister" Ke'an says with forced innocence as he disperses the cloak. "I could do a lot of stuff with invisibility... and if some ancient magic artifacts go missing who's to say who did it."

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