Chapter 12 Disrespect

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Ke'an is led further into the town by Manny and three other men that he remembers being a part of the town defenders. What Ke'an thought was a relatively small village turned out to be a town. The outskirts were rural but going further inside there is a small but dense community. Unlike the minimalist buildings used by the stravani near the orchards, the buildings here are brick and well constructed. The road is even well maintained cobblestone with empty street markets lining up and down the main road.

The most extravagant building is the Temple of Batri which is a massive edifice of white marble and gold. The structure hummed with divine power which is an indication of a building created by a God. This is the first time Ke'an has seen a building created by the Goddess and he is left speechless. As he approached it, his war machete started to radiate with the power of the Goddess. He looks down at the weapon at his side as it resonates, then back up at the temple.

"Batri made this place?" Ke'an asks as he stops mouth agape.

"The temple, yes." Manny says with a smile as he pats Ke'an on the back. "That is where the townspeople have gone. The elder is there as well."

While holy buildings were typically safe places against human attackers, as no one wanted to incur the wrath of a God, monsters did not have such reservations. They would blatantly attack with no thought of the building's owner. This is especially true for demonic entities like the greater snow wraiths that have a known penchant for sacrilege. However, even if the wraiths attacked the building it looks to be fortified to hold them at bay long enough for a defense to be mounted against them.

Outside of the temple more men armed and ready to defend have congregated. The group is much larger than the one that fought earlier with the majority of them being normal humans and the God Changed stravani being the minority. As it turned out the initial attack happened so quickly that the majority of the towns actual defenders weren't able to respond in time. The civilian farmers that lived in the outskirts were able to mount a defense but at a cost.

As soon as the crowd sees them, many people rush over to Ke'an. They praise him as a hero having already heard of his exploits in going head to head against the wraiths alone. The survivors from the first wave thank him for alerting the village and staying to fight. Manny has to push their way into the temple where Ke'an is taken to a private meeting room.

The room follows the motif of gold and white marble with intricate murals carved into the walls. The furniture all appeared to be hand carved and finely polished wood. Its deep rich brown contrasts the white tiles. The cushions of the chairs is a material Ke'an has never felt and are far more comfortable than they appear. There are only two loveseats with a small coffee table between them in the room.

The rooms are illuminated by magilamps which burn vextor oil and are in holders on the walls in the room and throughout the temple. Vextor oil is a refined form of liquid magic which is pumped directly from the ground in large fields around the world. It is more commonly known as vex and is the primary source of fuel used in arcane machinery. Vex is also refined in a multitude of ways in various industries and in public use. It is widely considered the greatest discovery in human history. Vex is even used to make arcane gunpowder which is what Ke'an uses in his revolver.

Shortly after taking a seat the door opens again and Manny assists an older stravani man enter the room. The man has the same colorful lightweight clothing as the other stravani which looks out of place given the fact it is the middle of winter. His long braided beard looks more like an ice sculpture of a beard than actual hair. His tired eyes skim the room as he shuffles in.

A second and third man enter the room; they are not as old as the first man. Both of them are clean shaven and appear to be in their mid fifties. They are in the warrior monk robes with one wearing all white and the other fuchsia. They both have their eyes covered with a black cloth tied firmly so they can not see. Even with their eyes covered they move quietly and decisively as if they were one with the temple itself. Although Ke'an did not know how, he could sense them analyzing him as soon as they walked in the room.

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