Chapter 18 Skill Up

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System slaps Ke'an across the face while still holding firm to his coat. The stinging sensation isn't what caused the few seconds of silence from Ke'an, after all the slap is negligible in terms of damage and he barely felt it anyway. No, instead the monetary quite is brought about with what the assault meant. Never before has System even attempted to harm him so he feels almost betrayed and shocked.

Ke'an says as he attempts to shake her grip on his coat. "He is getting closer to the temple as we speak. I know what the powers are, we should just continue."

System moves her grip from the coat to the collar of his shirt as her eyes sharpen. "Listen, I don't care what you think you know about your powers. Look at your Skill Tree or we are dead."

Ke'an is surprised at the glare System is giving him and the fire behind her eyes. He relents in the wake of System's insistence. Realizing that he had been acting far too reckless with his new abilities. He opens his skill menu and sees that it has changed due to the addition of more abilities. The menu is divided into four skill trees named after the first skill in each tree. An icon which represents each skill is present on each tree.

"Okay, let go of me. I am doing it." Ke'an says.

System obviously still upset, lets him go with a slight push. She only put enough force into it to cause him to quickly step back.

"Good, I don't know why you were being so stubborn about this." Systems says with an annoyed tick to her words. "Now that I have reached level eleven I also have several skills. We will strategize our next attack based off of what we have."

Ke'an sees all of his most familiar skills which he has been using up until now; Deicide, Regicide and Genocide. The last time he looked at his skill menu Usurper became its own skill tree as well serving as its own path to power. These skills are the first ones of each skill tree and are the name of the skill trees themselves. Golden roots weave out of the main three icons stretching downward connecting to other newer icons.

Skill: Usurper 30.20%

Skill type: Special ability

Cooldown: none

Magic cost: High

Effect: Behold the power that stole from God. Take the ability, knowledge, and magic of those around you. This magic will kill the target if successfully cast. Can be used on the recently deceased. This magic can be resisted by conscious beings. Once cast successfully gain one ability from the target.

Transcendent: Consolidate new powers into your skills tree automatically. Reduce magic cost to none.

This skill is the one that evolved from a skill he already possessed; he concludes that since he already knew how to use the skill it remained created its own skill tree. He decides he will ask System about it at a more appropriate time. He moves on to the next skill which is connected to Deicide by one of the roots.

Skill: Cuirass of the Ice Demon 0.00%

Skill type: Summon

Cooldown: 1 hours

Magic cost: medium cost per second

Effect: Summon armor made from ice infused with the casters magic.

Transcendent: Spikes grow from the armor that causes [Stone Flesh] retaliatory damage on attackers.

Seeing the description of the attack he is instantly reminded of the heavily armored greater snow wraith centipede. This must have been the ability he obtained from that creature. He also saw that this ability has something he has never seen before. He focuses on the words Stone Flesh and a pop-up window appears with an explanation.

I Killed the Last Dragon and became the Administratorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें