Chapter 27 Not So Fast there Buddy

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The young man wore the well tailored black uniform of the Oper'saas military. Despite being dressed the part he looks anything but alert as he flips through pages of a book. His eyes only lazily look up from the pages regretfully as Ke'an and System approach and he looks loathingly at them. His attention quickly returns to the pages of his book as he pushes his glasses up on his nose.

"Entry permit. Fee is three kon." The guard says from his booth not even looking up at them from his book. "What is your reason for your visit?"

"We are traveling so we will only be here for the night." Ke'an says as he stealthily pulls out a leather bound silver seal from his inventory. "We are on our way to Fleysil." A smile finds its way across his face. "If we could get an escort to the monastery so we could find lodging."

The young man stands up when he sees the seal of the Fleysil nobility. He throws his book behind himself as if it is hot coals. He stands and leans forward as far as the booth glass will allow to get a better look at the seal. The silver crest glows a dim blue while Ke'an holds it indicating that it is genuine and Ke'an is the owner. The young man panics falling into attention.

"Please wait one minute sir, eh-I mean, Lord!" The guard says as he quickly turns and runs.

Ke'an could not help but smirk as the guard ran somewhere he could not see. Normally people of the branch family would not have a seal like this however he received it as part of this engagement to A'ila. Ke'an looks at the crest; it is three stars over a coat of arms with a shield in the middle and a fox with many tails on both sides. It is Ke'an's first time ever using the seal to enter a city and the reaction alone is worth it.

After a few minutes the young man reappears being led by an older bearded man who strutted proudly. His outfit is white with notable rank. He is older with definite lines etched across his otherwise stern face. Also behind him were several others but they looked rather eclectic compared to himself and the young man.

The older man reaches out his hand to shake with a smile that doesn't suit his stern demeanor. "I am colonel Oni'li it is a surprise to see Fleysil Nobility traveling so lightly." He shakes Ke'an's hand and then introduces his subordinate. "This is Major Vi and Sargent Ma'helsi they will be your escorts."

"It is nice to meet you all. I am Ke'an Strome of the lesser house of the Yalfi Clan. This is my... guard, System Lock. She has been more than suitable as a guide and protection I can assure you. Alas, she is from a small village so she doesn't have any papers but I can vouch for her."

The colonel obviously mulls over several of Ke'an words and his expression shifts to a slight apprehension. Ke'an can see the moment his attitude towards him shifts negatively. Ke'an expected it as the lesser families are typically not important enough to warrant special favor. However, having the seal still means he has the blessing of the Nilfi in some capacity which can not be ignored.

"You are from the lesser house of the Yalfi, not the Nilfi?" Oni'li asks his smile vanishing. "Your seal had the Nilfi insignia did it not?"

"It did, yes." Ke'an says while maintaining a jovial smile. "Is there a problem?"

The man looks System up and down giving her an assessing look before reaching out his hand for her as well. He guesses that she is from a stravani village given she is still in the colorful apparel given to her by the magistras. System just nods, not giving him any real affirmation since she doesn't have any real homeland in this world. The man seems to accept the assumption and moves on.

"We will have to register her before you can go through so she wont have problems in the future." Oni'li says with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes or hide his disdain. "I have other matters to attend to but my men will take you to the registration office before the monastery. I apologize for the inconvenience but I can not bend the rules even for the..." The man pauses for a second as he thinks of a word but sarcasm seeps into his tone. "Illustrious Lesser House of the Yalfi clan. They will assure you get through the process quickly."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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