Chapter 1

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I hear his footsteps coming towards my room. I immediately hide in the corner of my bed. I know it won't actually make a difference. There's two cameras and a microphone in here. I try to hide anyway. That way I don't feel like I'm doing nothing. He knocks on the door two times and pushes it open. He comes in with a glass bottle in his hand. I cower in the corner of my cot.

It's always worse when he has a bottle.

He takes a sip of whatever is inside before throwing the now empty glass at me. I accidentally cover my head with my hands. He grabs me before I even notice the mistake I made.

"Did you just cover your head you little brat?"

I shudder at his tone and try to sink further into the hard mattress.

"Of course you did. You can't even take a beating correctly. You're pathetic and useless."

He grabs my by my hair and throws me on the ground. He kicks my ribs and i start to curl up before remembering the rules.

I can take a beating. Big girls take beatings.

I lay there as he kicks my ribs and my stomach. When he's finished he grabs my hair again and slams my head into the ground.

"I hope you think twice before breaking a rule again bitch."

He staggers out of my room. I try to sit up but my eyes go fuzzy. I guess I hit my head harder than I thought. I lay back down on the cement floor and let the dark spots take over.


When I open my eyes there is a tray of grey mush in front of me. I slowly sit up and drag myself towards my meal. He only feeds me when he's proud of me. I guess he's proud that I took the beating. I shovel the mush in my mouth. It tastes a little better than usual but that might be because I can't remember the last time I ate. Just as I was finishing my meal I heard footsteps again. I tried to stand up but my body wasn't listening to me. I decided to bring my knees to my chest and stay still. As I listened I could hear more than one pair of footsteps. I think he's having friends over. My eyes tear up as I remember the last time they were here. I hear my doorknob jiggle and I curl up even tighter.

The door flies open and I choke on a sob. Through my tears I can see that the people at my door aren't him or his friends. They don't seem to move to me either which is weird. One of them says something to the others and they leave.

"Grace Kingsley?"

I can see a lady through my tears now. She moves very slowly and crouches down. I panic but then I remember the rules. I wait for my beating.

"My name is agent Moore. I'm with the police and I'm here to get you out of here," she says.

I look at her but don't move. She doesn't seem like one of my dads friends but you can never be too sure.

"Are you going to beat me?" I ask.

I'm not supposed to ask that question. My eyes water at the knowledge that I just earned a double beating for asking.

"No sweetheart I'm not. May I touch you?"

I look at her. No one has ever asked me that before. I say yes. I don't think I'm supposed to say no to a question like that.

She slowly reaches out for me and picks me up off the ground. I try to see where we are going but my brain starts to hurt.

"You can go to sleep Grace. I will wake you when we're ready," agent Moore says.

No one had ever told me I could sleep either. I decided to believe her. My eyes started to slip close and before I could stop myself I was asleep.


When I woke up I was in a place I had never seen before. I started to panic because this wasn't my room. Before I could think too much agent Moore and another lady I didn't recognize came over to me.

"Hi Grace, this is Julia and she's a social worker," agent Moore says.

I look at them confused, "social worker?"

Julia nods.

"I'm going to help you get into your new home."

I'm even more confused.

"Why do I need a new home? What about my dad. He will know I am gone."

Agent Moore looks between me and Julia and walks away. I am sad because I want her to stay but she doesn't look like she wants to stay with me. I should be used to that.

"Grace, your father was arrested for abuse of a minor, child neglect, drug possession, and rape."

I look at her confused. I didn't know what any of that was but I know he wasn't supposed to be in jail. He loves me. He always told me he loved me. He was so proud of me for taking the beatings like a big girl.

"No no, he's all I have please don't take me away. He loves me I need him," I cry out.

Julia gently hushes me before speaking.

"Grace you have a family. A good family. You have five brothers that agreed to take you in the moment I called. They've been looking for you for years," she says slowly.

I take it all in. It was difficult for me to wrap my head around. Five brothers was a lot. I wasn't sure I could take that much beating. She also said they had been looking for me for years. Why would they need to find me? If they were looking for me though maybe that means they love me as much as my dad did. I slowly nod at her.

She smiles.

"Good. You have a flight in one hour to New York. One of your brothers will meet you there," she explains.

I panic a bit, "Will you be there?"

She shakes her head.

"I'll get you to the plane but you'll be on your own from there. Don't worry, you can call me at anytime."

I did not know what she meant by call but I wasn't sure if I was allowed to ask so I didn't.

She tells me the airport is about forty five minutes away so we needed to leave now. I nodded and stood up slowly. My ribs and stomach still hurt but that didn't matter. Big girls don't feel any pain.

I walked slowly behind Julia. I wanted to go faster so she didn't get mad but I was going as fast as I could.

The car ride was very long. My mind started to wander. Would I have a cot at this house? How many cameras would I have? Would I get mush when they were proud? Would they love me?

It was a lot to think about. I guess I had been thinking for a while because we had come to a stop. Julia leads me to a long looking runway. There's a plane on the ground and I look up in awe. I had never seen a plane before. I started to get excited about flying.

I was sad to say goodbye to Julia but she said I had to go now. I waved to her through the window of the plane and she waved back. There was a lady on the plane that gave me a water bottle. She was nice. As the plane went into the sky my eyes got heavy. My head started to drop and before I knew it I was asleep.


I hope you all like chapter 1

-Day <3

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