Chapter 14

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It took so much of my effort to convince Maddox to let me go to school today. He was so dead set on not letting me out of his sight for a second but I don't think I can take it anymore. That is how i found myself in Easton's car on the way to school on this fine morning.

"If you feel unsafe just call us. Even if you don't have a reason just text anyway. To be safe. And if you see anything call us. And if you-"

This speech is a small price to pay for getting to go to school. He pulls into the lot and unbuckles my belt before kissing my head.

"Have a good day sweetheart. I will be here at three o'clock on the dot."

"Okay! Love you East! Thanks for bringing me!"

He waves and speeds off. Again with the speeding. I shrug my backpack onto my shoulders as I enter the building. I was a bit later than usual so I just head to my first class. When I get there I can see Katie doodling in a notebook.

"Hey Katie," I say casually.

"Don't you 'Hey Katie' me. You haven't been here in a week. You had better have been dying or I'll kill you myself. Lillie complained about missing you the whole time! And you didn't even answer our texts!"

"I know I know. Things at the Kingsley home have been crazy this week with my da- yeah. Just really busy!"

I cringe. I didn't even believe that.

"Really busy?"

"Uh huh!"

"For a week?"

"Yeah! My brother had to get his baby teeth removed. We had to take care of him!"

Stop talking Gracie.

She narrows her eyes, "Which brother would this be exactly?"

Milo! No, Sylas!


Shut up shut up shut up.

She looks like she didn't believe a word i said.

"Alright. But you have to explain all of this to Lillie," she says.

I sigh, relieved she dropped it. It was only going to go downhill from there. I face forward and get ready for the day. I missed school. I was learning to read and write! I knew my numbers up to one hundred now as well. I was actually getting smarter here. It was good to know I didn't come here for nothing.


"Brandon got his baby teeth out?"

Lillie looks like I've just said the stupidest thing anyone has ever said on this planet.


She looks at Katie who just shakes her head. Lillies sighs.

"Okay. I'm sure it was very difficult."

I love my friends.

I open up my lunch bag and shake its contents onto the table. A little salad along with some crackers and cookies. And also a little note.

Hey sweetheart!

This week has been hard but I'm proud of you for getting through it and going to school! Don't just eat the cookies okay? At least the salad should be gone:)

Love you lots
Make sure Sy doesn't do anything stupid!


I close the note and put it back in my lunch bag. I start to eat my salad when I get an uneasy feeling. I look around but everything seems to be normal. I can see Sy sitting at his table with his scary crowd. He looked fine to me. Katie and Lillie were fine. They were talking about something to do with volleyball and seemed generally smiley. It was definitely just in my head.

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