Chapter 6

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The sun on my face wakes me up. I stretch before I force myself together out of my warm bed. I throw on a hoodie I took from Milo and start to go downstairs. I don't feel nearly as shaky as I did yesterday. I walked down the stairs and headed over to the table. Maddox was already sitting at his spot and he was typing very angrily on his computer. I didn't want to bother him so just sat down quietly in my chair.

Sylas comes out with plates and silverware.

"Morning princess!"


He puts the plates around the table and kisses my head when he gets to me. He pats Maddox's shoulder when he gets to him.

"Morning Mads!"

Maddox just grunts and continues typing. Sylas doesn't seem bothered by this as he just continues setting the table.

As Easton comes out with the food, Milo makes his way down to the table. Everyone starts to take their food but I felt bad eating without Brandon.

"Don't worry. He wakes up late," Easton says.

I swear he's a mind reader. It's honestly a little scary.

Maddox sets my plate down in front of me. He's taken to just putting the small amount that he wants me to eat and then if I want more I can have it. I don't usually want more, but I'm grateful he takes care of my portions. I never really know how much I'm supposed to have.

This morning we have scrambled eggs, potatoes, and fruit. It smelled really good. I quickly thank Easton and Sylas before digging in. I finish my plate and start to get up before remember that I'm not supposed to do that anymore.

Everyone finishes and Maddox tells me to meet me in his office in five minutes.

Oh no.

I tried to think of what I could have done but nothing was coming up. Maybe I said something? He looked pretty angry this morning. He hadn't beat me yet but maybe that was over. That was probably a trick to get me to trust them. I was so stupid. I actually believed I wouldn't get beat.

I walk down the hallway to the door at the end. Before I can even knock he tells me to come in. I don't know how they always seem to know when I'm around.

I push the door open and he waves me in. I go over and sit in a chair facing him and his giant desk. I feel tiny.

"You aren't in trouble angel. You look terrified. It's alright, you're doing good," he says.

Okay. I wasn't in trouble. He even went to the length of saying I'm doing good. That wasn't a lie right?

"I called you in here because you have to start going to school."


I'd only been to school when I was little. As soon as I was old enough to do chores I stopped going. I couldn't read very well, and I sure as hell didn't know about the other subjects.

"I can't go to school. People will think I am stupid," I argue.

"You aren't stupid. You'll be in special classes so that you learn what you need to. You'll be with other people that are a little behind. But you'll be in normal electives and lunch and such."

I slowly nod. That doesn't sound to bad. I won't be with people that are eons ahead of me.

"Sylas will also be there. You won't have class with him, but he's there if you need him," he explains.

That also makes me feel better. I won't be totally lost and alone.

Once I come to terms with it I get a bit excited. I won't have to sit around alone all day. Maybe I could make some friends. At the very least I could learn to read better.

"Alright. I have you starting tomorrow. I'm sorry it's so last minute. Your principles have been a pain to work with. Sylas has to go in for early practice so Easton will drive you. He will also pick you up on certain days when Sylas has to stay late as well okay?"


"That's all for now. You'll be okay. If anything happens I'm one button away alright?"

I nod and get up. As I leave his office I have so much to think about.

I start school tomorrow. I could learn to read. I could learn history or science. I could learn about numbers. I was excited but also nervous. What if people hated me. What if I don't make friends. What if I-

"Sorry Gray, didn't see you there," mumbles a groggy voice.

I see that I've just run into Brandon. A very sleepy Brandon.

He reaches down and lifts me up for a hug. I just laugh a little bit and hug him back. He starts walking and I start to question where we're going. He's going down to the basement. I hadn't been down here yet. He dumps me on a squishy couch before finding the remote and sitting down with me. He sets up a movie and turns off the lights.

"Whats this?" I whisper.

"Frozen," he whispers back.

I watch as snowflakes fall on the screen. Hopefully this is a good movie.


That was awesome.

"She had ice powers! And she made a castle! And a snowman! And she sang!"

Brandon laughs, "Yes to all of that."

"I didn't know that could happen in movies!"

"Well then we need to watch more movies. Do you want just watch movies today?"

I sigh, "I would but Maddie has me starting school tomorrow so I have to get everything ready."

I really did just want to watch movies with him all day. I just wasn't willing to be unprepared on my first day. He nods and starts one of his movies as I leave. I pass Milo and Sylas on my way to my room. They looked like they'd just came back from a war or something. Milos nose was bleeding and he had a nasty bruise on his cheek. Sylas didn't look as bad but I could see that his knuckles were a bit bloody.

"Woah what happened to you guys," I ask.

"We were out slaying dragons," Milo says as he puffs up his chest.

Sylas laughs a little bit and ruffles my hair as he passes me.

"Don't worry about us. Shouldn't you be packing your backpack for school?"

Oh yeah! That's the whole reason I came up here in the first place. I wave bye to them and continue my adventure to my room. My backpack has been sitting here empty for days. I put in my pencil case and a binder and my computer. I also have to pack smaller things like my chargers and ear buds and chapstick. Who knows what I'll need.

The more difficult part is picking out my clothes.

I had to make a good impression. I can't be stupid and poorly dressed.

The problem was I also want to be comfortable. I think I decide on tan cargo pants with a simple white shirt and a sweatshirt that I may or may not have taken from Sylas. I was hoping it would work.

I climbed into my bed because I don't want to be tired on my first day. I snuggle into my blankets and cuddle Peanut. I'd been sleeping better than I ever have. I think it might be because I have a real bed. As I'm about to fall asleep my door creaks open. I don't have the energy to open my eyes. I listen as footsteps approached my bed. I feel a kiss on my head before I hear a soft voice.

"Goodnight baby."

I crack my eyes open.

"Goodnight Maddie."

He smiles before slipping out of my room.

I fall asleep with a smile on my face.
It's gonna start picking up soon😉
Happy reading

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