Chapter 9

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Dinner with these people was exhausting. Brandon spent the entire time complaining that I was stealing his girlfriend. All I did was sit next to her. It's not my fault I'm cool. By the time we get home I'm ready to go to sleep for at least thirteen hours. That didn't see to be working for me though because East called a family meeting as soon as we got inside. Why would we need to meet? We were just at a restaurant where no one could escape, couldn't we have talked then?

"Tomorrow we're going ice skating."

It clearly wasn't a question.

"I actually have to-"

"I don't care. We have guests and we haven't done something as a while family since before Grace got here. She needs to have the full Kingston-Giordano experience. So everyone rest up and get ready to skate."

Milo, who clearly didn't want to go, looked at Maddox.

"Don't look at me. You heard him. Ice skating. Tomorrow. You're going."

He huffs and heads upstairs.

"I for one am excited," Luci says.

I nod along with her. Easton says everyone can go and people start heading off to different parts of the house.

I couldn't understand how Milo wasn't excited. I'd never been ice skating before so I was starting to get excited. I headed up to my room and set up my iPad to call Katie and Lillie and fill them in on my day.

"Dude, my brother got his hand stuck in our kitchen sink. Look," Katie says as she flips her camera.

A guy that looks exactly like Katie but older is shown with his arm, all the way up to his elbow, in the sink.

"Wow," I say.

"You could help him y'know," Lillie suggests.

"Thank you. See Katelyn, your friends think you should be helping me," he says.

"Be quiet. Goodbye," she laughs as she walks away.

I could hear protests in the back but she closes the door to the room she just entered and I can't hear his voice anymore.

Lillie is laughing almost hysterically, "That was mean Kate!"

"I know! So anyways, how are you Grace?"

"Good! We have guests over and tomorrow we're going ice skating!"

"That sounds fun! I've never been," Lillie says.

"Me either. I don't really have a choice though, Easton is making everyone go. There's going to be eight of us! But I'm kind of excited," I explain.

"I think your family just gets bigger every time you tell us about it. I still can't believe your related to Sylas. And Milo right? He was a senior last year when I was a freshman. I think he got into fights at least every other day," Katie rambles.

"What! No way, he's not like that," I say.

"No she's right! They used to tell us about them in middle school to scare us before high school! Someone told me that Milo broke a kids fingers because he was at his desk!"

I stare at Lillie through the screen. This is all insane. I hear a knock at my door and tell whoever it is to come in. Luci pushes the door open. She's in pajamas now but she still looks like she could kill me.

She's so cool.

"Oh oh! Luci come say hi to my friends!"

"The ones you told me about? Lillie and Katie right?"

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