Chapter 27

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The Brandon Special
I hate being in charge at HQ. Bossing people around just for them to do everything wrong is getting so fucking old.

"What were the instructions?" I ask the pathetic man in front of me.

"To figure out who planted the cameras," he stutters.

I start loading my gun, "And what could you not do?"

"Figure out who planted the cameras! But boss I-"

I shot him in the leg. I don't have time for any more excuses. I turn to Colby and tell him to take care of the mess before walking out of the room. I quickly make my way to the second floor, where most of our men are trying to figure out how this bastard got into our house.

I open the door and walk in. The all stop talking and straighten up. No one seems to be making any move to speak.

"Is there news or are you wasting my time?" I ask.

Matthew, who's been working for us for years, steps forward.

"Sir, we've reviewed everything and there was no one on the premises. Have you considered the possibility that there's a mole?"

I don't respond. I don't show any reaction for that matter. I walk out and up to the third floor to my office. I pull out my phone and immediately call Maddox, who picks up on the second ring.

"You okay?"

"There's a fucking mole."


"Get home."

End tone.

I start throwing my shit into my duffel bag. There's a quick knock on the door before Colby walks in.

"Are you leaving boss," he asks.

I was supposed to be here for at least two more days.

"Yes. You're in charge. You know how it works. Keep them working."

He nods and walks out.

I grab my keys and walk out. Of all the things I was expecting, a rat was not one of them.

I make it to my car and slam the door, which was probably unnecessary. I couldn't care less at the moment. My first instinct was to call Luci, but I couldn't even fucking do that. I know she's not the mole, she wasn't even here, but it would probably be better to run it by Maddox first. I would not be the reason that we fall into deeper shit then we were already in.

I speed to our house and make it in record time. I don't even get my stuff, instead walking in and going straight to Maddox's office. I walk in without knocking and he looks up from his computer. He stands up meets in the middle of the room for a quick hug.

"Thank fuck. Alright go change. We're going to be awake for a while," he says.

I knew he was telling the truth. We would be going over every detail of the past few weeks until we figured out exactly what went down in this house. It would be exhausting but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. I'm going to catch that fucker even if it's the last thing I do.

I accidentally bump into Gracie on my way upstairs. She smiles at me from the little blanket burrito she's made for herself. She looks adorable. I quickly snap a picture of her before she can do anything about it.

"Brand! What the heck was that for?"

"For my own happiness of course."

She rolls her eyes but she's smiling. She continues her adventure to wherever she was going and I keep going down the hall to my room. I shower in record time and throw on some pajamas before going back down to Mad's office.

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