Chapter 28

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The Lillie Special
I walk out of my bathroom and see Katie fast asleep in my bed. I woke her up twenty minutes ago, but that barely matters. If she decides she doesn't want to be awake then there's no changing her mind.

I decide to just bring some breakfast up since she clearly wasn't planning on moving. I always have to wake up earlier when she's here so we can actually get out of the house on time. If we miss any more school we'll get kicked out and I really couldn't have that right now.

My mom is in the kitchen dishing out pancakes when I get down there. I give her a hug and tell her good morning before grabbing two plates and taking them up with me. I push the door open with my foot and am not surprised to see Katie still in bed. Her alarm was going off this time but also doesn't make a difference. I put the plates down on my nightstand and turn off her alarm. I sit on the side of the bed and her eyes finally start to open.

"We're going to be late so you better hurry up," I say.

It's meant to be more aggressive than it comes out. She just laughs and grabs my waist to bring me on top of her. I think I squeak in the process.

"Just five more minutes," she mumbles.

We had time for five more minutes. Of course we do, I planned the morning out to make sure we wouldn't be late. However, her version of five more minutes is never the same as mine. I go to say as much but she starts running her hand through my hair and the words never make it out.

"If you don't get up now you aren't going to," I say.

"Will you go to a party with me tonight?"

"What does that have to do with getting up?"

"If you say yes i'll get up," she bribes.

"You know parties aren't my thing."

They really really weren't. The music and the people always deterred me. I just didn't understand how someone could consider that as fun.

"I'll be with you the whole time. C'mon Lil, I really want to go."

I debate it. I really didn't want to, but I hadn't been to one in a while. Maybe this one will be better. And she'll be there so it'll automatically be better. She was using the puppy dog eyes on me anyway. I really could never say no to those.


She smiles wide at me and cheers, "You will not regret this!"

It's a little too late for that.

Katie stays true to her work and gets out of bed. She grabs a pancake before heading into the bathroom. I smile and grab a pancake for myself. I head downstairs and pray to everyone that Katie will be finished in ten minutes. My dad comes down the stairs in his work clothes and greets me and my mom. He kisses my head before kissing my mom and grabbing some pancakes for the road.

I guess Katie and I aren't the only ones who are late today.

I should for Katie to hurry up and start to fill our water bottles. She comes stumbling down the stairs two minutes later and grabs a bottle before saying bye to my mom and pulling me out of the door.

"See! Not late."

I roll my eyes but am clearly smiling. She opens the passenger door for me and then goes around to the drivers side. She's smiling like a crazy person when she starts the car.

"Tonight is going to be the best night of your life, you'll see."

I sure hope so.


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