Chapter 13

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"And Matteo grounded him for a month!"

I laughed as Mia finished telling me a story about Mason. Apparently he had a rebellious phase when he was younger.

"You guys are lucky I got my rebellion out when I was little cause you'd be so screwed if it was now," he says as he eats another piece of cake.

Mia rolls her eyes at his statement. I'm pretty sure she calls him an idiot too but it's quiet. I think I liked the twins. They were really cool and they were pretty much opposites which was interesting.

"You eat like a pig!"

"Yeah well if eating like a pig makes me happy then so be it!"

He smiles at her and continues his cake. I think I like it when he smiles.

"So Grace, how old are you? We're sophomores, but Matteo has us doing these accelerated courses," Mia says.

"Oh my god they're awful!"

"Mas, you're passing every single class."

"Yeah and it's fucking awful!"

I laugh. I seemed to do that around them.

"I'm a freshman but, I'm kinda really behind," I say.

I wasn't usually embarrassed about it but something about wanted to impress them makes my face turn red.

"That makes sense! You didn't go to school for a while right?" She asks.

I nod, "Yeah I went when I was little but I got taken out when I was like seven."

"Wow. It's really impressive that you're in high school even if you're behind! Y'know I could probably help you with school if you ever need it," Mason offers.

"Or I could help you and you might actually learn something," Mia interrupts.

"I might take you guys up on that offer. I usually do pretty good though."

It's true. I was doing pretty good at school. I hadn't been there in a week but I was doing good last week.

Mia pulls out her phone and starts typing.

"Excuse her. She's a bad guest."

"Well what am I supposed to do while they're in the dumb meeting?" She asks.

"You could talk to the gorgeous girl that's sitting right in front of you."

"Stop hitting on her. She didn't ask for that. Anyways I was talking and I was going to continue. Am I not allowed to send a text?"

"It's okay! You don't have to talk to me I'm kind of used to being ignored!" I say.

I think that was wrong though because they both look at me kind of sad.

"That's awful," she says.

"It's alright! We won't ignore you. Well, I won't, Mia might!"

"Stop it! I'm not going to ignore you Grace."

They both stare at me. I kind of wish they would ignore me.

"Let's do boring ice breakers!"

Mason looks very proud of his idea but Mia looks like she would rather do anything else.

"Ice-what?" I ask.

"We ask really basic questions to each other. I'll start. What's your full name?" He asks.

"Grace Bianca Kingsley."

"That's beautiful."

"Stop hitting on her!"

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