Chapter 2

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When I get off the plane there are two tall men waiting for me. One was dressed in all black as he wasn't smiling. He looked very scary. The other one had a blue shirt and black pants but he was smiling at me. He also had light brown fluffy hair and sunglasses on top of his head. I walk over to them as fast as I could. The smiling one seemed to smile even more.

"You've gotten so big Gracie," he says.

I don't know what to say but for some reason I smile. He holds his arms out wide and I look at him confused. His smile seems to wobble but it comes back. He instead holds his hand up in a fist. I flinch a bit and then scold myself for doing so.

Big girls don't flinch.

He reaches down for my hand and I let him. He then gently bumps my fist against his. I think I'm more confused than ever.

"It's called a fist bump. People do it when they're excited," he explains.

"Are you excited?" I ask.

"Of course I'm excited. I get to see my beautiful baby sister after all this time," he says.

His smile seems to be back. I'm not sure if I am supposed to ask what his name is but I decide to.

"What is your name?"

His smile wobbles again but comes back.

"Right. You were a baby. My name is Easton and I'm your second oldest brother," he says.

I nod.

He reaches for my hand and I flinch before scolding myself.

Big girls don't flinch.

He just holds my hand as he opens the car door. The other man is already in the front. He gestures for me to get in so I slowly do. He gets in after me and shuts the door. The car speeds out of the airport.

I sit quietly for a while but start to get antsy. Easton is still new to me. I'm not sure whether I am supposed to talk or not. He hasn't let go of my hand either. He seems to notice my leg bouncing.

"Are you okay Gracie?"

I nod.

He doesn't look like he believes me.

"Do you have any questions?" He asked.

Dad didn't like it when I asked questions. He said only nosy brats ask questions. I didn't want to be a nosy brat. Easton was asking me though so maybe it's okay.

"Am I allowed to ask questions?"

That was stupid of me. That was a question. He would call me stupid. I am stupid.

"Of course you can ask questions sweetheart."


He said it like it was the most normal thing in the world. I can ask questions.

"How many years are you?"

He lets out a small laugh.

"I am twenty six years old. How old are you?" He asks.

I wasn't too sure. I'd never been asked that before.

"I do not know," I say honestly.

He smiles but it was not like the smiles before. It was different.

"That's okay. You're fourteen."

I wonder how he knows that. Maybe my dad had told him.

"We've celebrated all of your birthdays," he says.

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