Chapter 7

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I hear a knock at the door. I wonder who on earth is knocking at my door before the sun came up. I don't respond but I hear my door open anyway. The person approached my bed.

"I know you're awake princess. It's time for you to get ready for school. I'm leaving now so I'll see you when you get there," Sylas says.

I wave at him as he leaves my room. I stare at the ceiling for three more minutes before rolling out of bed. I can't be late on my first day.

I hopped in the shower and then put on the outfit I picked out last night. I brush my hair and attempt to braid it. I have no clue how to braid so it just ends up in a knot. I knotted my hair on the first day. I try to unknot it and it kind of works but I'm back to square one. I decided to deal with that later. I grab my backpack and head down for breakfast. Brandon and Milo are definitely still sleeping so I have to be quiet.

Downstairs East was making breakfast as usual.

"Good morning Gracie! You ready for your first day?"

"Yup! "

He slides two pancakes towards me. I look at him skeptically.

"Just try okay? I don't want you to get hungry at school."

I didn't want to get hungry at school either. As I start eating my breakfast I hear Maddox coming down.

"Morning East. Morning angel."

He tends to be grumpy before he has coffee so I'm just glad he said anything at all. Easton hands him a cup before going upstairs. Probably to change out of his pajamas.

I almost finished both of my pancakes before I'm full. Maddox smiles when he sees my plate. He gets up to put it in the sink.

"Good job baby, I'm proud of you," he says as he ruffles my hair.

As if it didn't look bad enough before.

"Thank you but did you have to make it worse," I sat as I gesture to my head.

He just laughs at me. I can't believe he is laughing at my pain. He comes back over to me and asked me if I wanted him to braid it. I stare at him unamused.

"What? I can braid. I used to braid Luci's hair all the time," he says as he rakes his fingers through my hair.

I didn't know who Luci was but I hope for both of our sake that he was good at it. Easton comes back down in real clothes and starts grabbing things. He slides my water bottle and lunch bag towards me.

"Here's your food and drink. Try to eat at least half okay?"

I nod and then get scolded by Mad who was finishing my braid. He ties my hair off and I get out of my chair. I start to put on my jacket as Mad puts my food in my bag and hands it to me.

"Alright I'll see you when you get home okay?"

I smile at him and nod. He opens his arms for a hug and I quickly oblige. I felt tears prick my eyes but I told those to go away. I didn't want to act like a baby, it was just that this was the longest I'll be away from him. I pull away and aggressively wipe my face.

"You'll be okay," he says as he kisses my head, "I love you angel."

"I love you too Maddie. I'll see you when I get home."

Easton starts pestering us. He says we are going to be late but I don't really care. Well, I do care.

We leave the house and head for the car. I wipe my face as more tears fall.

Don't cry.

Big girls don't cry, you're being stupid.

Easton starts driving away and I just stare out of the window as our house disappears.

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