NINE: little man

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"you look like shit." aaliyah said as soon as she saw me enter for my shift.

"thank you." i smiled.

"you don't actually look like shit you just look extremely exhausted. i don't think you are physically capable of not looking good." she clarified.

"okay well, thank you for the clarification."

"you're welcome." she smiled as she was hanging some of the clothes that were in the changing room. "so what? are you hungover?"

"yes, aaliyah. i'm hungover. i didn't even drink a big amount! just enough so i could make conscious decisions that i won't regret the next day." i complained.

"you need to always be aware of what you're drinking, you probably downed something that was full of sugar. that gives a bitch ass hungover." she responded.

"i don't give a single shit. what's the worst that could happen." i shrugged.

"someone drugs you and you die?"

"we all are going to die at some point."

"you're not wrong, but you don't want to die before your time. who knows what you'll miss out on?" she agreed to disagree.

"if i wanted to die, it's because i want to miss out on the shit you're talking about." i chuckled.

"do you want to die?" she asked me straight up.

"no, not really, but at the same time if it were to happen i wouldn't mind it." i answered.

"why are you so passionate about this topic then?" she frowned.

"because when you have no friends and no family you tend to feel very lonely in life and you overthink a lot. it's not weird that i'm passionate about this topic, i'm probably passionate about many different topics too, more than i should." i answered.

"you don't have a family?" she asked.

"they're not dead or something, no. i just left the toxic household a while ago." i shrugged.

"good for you." she nodded. "you did what was best for you, you better not ever feel bad for leaving them behind."


"hey, how about this? let's close the shop for a little bit. you and i can go get brunch together and maybe some ice-cream? i know a very good shop." aaliyah sujested.

"are you sure?" i asked. i wouldn't want to be the reason business is a little low today.

"yes, violet. i'm sure." she nodded.

"okay." i agreed. we left everything they way it was at the shop, just took our belongings, closed the lights and locked up.

"have you ever been in therapy?" aaliyah asked.

"i have, didn't really do shit to make me better. i don't think i believe in therapy, all bullshit." i shrugged.

"well, that's just not true." she disagreed. "i used to be all fucked in the head, my mama didn't believe in it so i just never went, even when i was at my lowest. now i can't go a month without attending a session. you simply could've gone to a not good therapist."

"i've been to multiple."

"all of them are bad, or you're just not good at communicating with them and give up way too easily."

"i never give up."

"everyone gives up, it's okay to admit it. you don't have to act all tough on me. im not testing you in some survival skills." she laughed at me.

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