NINETEEN: the apartment

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"i want some taco bell, tt you want some taco bell?" i raised a brow.

"taco bell!" he widened his eyes with excitement. "i made him get this addiction didn't i?" i looked at claudia.

"if you want taco bell you're paying." claudia said.

"if i'm paying then you're ordering." i threw my phone at her lap.

"sure" she sighed. "you want the usual?"

"yes." i nodded. "what's fin doing?"

"i don't know, music." claudia shrugged.

"he wants me to sing for a song he wrote." i mentioned.

"really? he never told me that." she frowned as she continued to place the order.

i was playing with a strand of my hair, one that has fallen out of my messy bun. "he's practically begging me to sing it. i don't want to, and i'm not going to."

"why though? you have a great singing voice."

"i don't have a terrible voice but it's certainly not a voice i want to put out for the world to listen to. i'd definitely get bullied." i snorted.

"what if you do get bullied? who the fuck cares." she turned the phone screen around so that i could pay with my face id.

"i care, i'm not up for the responsibility. it's gonna fuck up my mental health and i'm not ready to go back there."

"yeah that's valid, prioritize yourself above all else— what the fuck is this shit?" she widened her eyes.

"what?" i jumped up, wondering what the fuck did she just see on my phone. claudia swiped down to show me a notification i just got from violet. it was stupid of me to think she wouldn't find out anyway. i just smiled, i'm certainly not gonna deny it.

"nothing to say?"

"she called the day after the party, she explained everything to me and we both agreed that we'd be friends. nothing more nothing less." i explained. "i didn't want to tell you because i knew you'd be mad."

"of course i'd be mad!" she semi yelled. "she's a straight up bad person. she is a bad person and i really hope you care about my opinion of the people you hang out with, because i only look out for you, for your benifit."

"of course i care about your opinion but you don't know her the way i do, you don't know the reason she did what she did." i tried to defend us.

"bills i need you to register the fact that—"

"i don't want to hear it!"

"well you have to, cause you need to hear the fucking truth. how stupid you're acting right now is actually insane." she was growing more frustrated and even mader.

"i don't care! it's not like we are getting married, we're just friends now." i raised my voice just a little.

"oh come on, don't lie to yourself. you and i both know that that is not gonna happen. a few weeks from now you're gonna come running to me crying because she ended things between you and her. and i'm gonna tell you i told you so."

"don't you trust me? i'm telling you. it won't become anything more. we're just friends, please claudia just stop making this a big deal when it isn't."

"fine. but i'm begging you to not let it become more than that. you'll only end up hurt, i'd even rather this thing be just an aquantince." she said. why does everyone keep saying the same thing?

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