THIRTY - FIVE: spiral

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christmas was a week ago. violet didn't have any family around to celebrate with, she ended up celebrating with us. she was quiet like always, but i knew something was off. of course something would be off, she wasn't home where she probably wants to be. even if she hates her father, i'm sure that she wishes things were different.

then after that she's become distant somehow. maybe i'm clingy and i got used to us being together all the time, especially since i used to pick her up from work, now she has her own car so i can't really do that anymore.

it's not just that, i thought that our agreement that we would see each other every wednesday, still stood even after we got in a relationship. yesterday was wednesday and i didn't see her once. i know i should trust her, i do trust her, but i worry too much. my thoughts don't allow me to focus on anything but her.

"hey billie, i've been meaning to talk to you." laim came up to my desk, when i was drawing peacefully.

"what's up?" i looked up at him.

"i wanted to apologize for crashing your birthday brunch with your friends." she started and i frowned. "i realize now that if i wanted to celebrate with you i should've made my own plans with you, it's was selfish, to think i could just barge into your plans without even considering you, when it should be all about you. it was your day and i messed up the plans you were looking forward to."


"oh and i got you some takis cause i never even bothered to get you a gift." he put a dozen takis on my desk.

"thank you." i nodded.

"i'm gonna go." he pointed to the door behind him. "adler is cranky and i don't want him to take it out on me if i wasn't there when he needed me."

"yeah go." i gave him the go ahead.

shit. the fuck did she do to him? i've never seen him like this, like... ever in my total 46 days of working here right next to him.

i started smiling imagining what violet did in order to make him apologize to me. did she pin him behind the building and give him a friendly word? did she take his phone number from my phone? did she find his mom and talk to her? i wouldn't be surprised if she did. i expect anything from her, honestly.

when ever i start feeling insecure about us she always seems to reassure me with the littlest things. just like this.

"you're blushing." indra stopped at the door way.

"and what about it?" i replied.

"nothing, keep going princess." she walked away.

not a minute later emi came by, "did indra go to the break room?"

"yup pretty sure she did." i nodded.

"thanks." she walked away.

i wouldn't be surprised if those two were dating or secretly in love with each other and don't know that the other also has feelings for them. it goes without saying that everyone in this building knows that they like each other but the two of them. unless they do and the whole building doesn't know that they know they reciprocate feelings for each other.

i stared at the wall having a conflict with myself, over wether i should go to the break room or not. which i ultimately decided, fuck it. let's see what's up, cause i'm invested.

indra was making a coffee while emi was leaning on the counter having a conversation with her. but before i stepped into view indra looked at the hallway then looked back at emi, cupped her jaw and kissed her. i widened my eyes and turned back, walked to where i belong. i knew it.

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