FIFTY - EIGHT: first day back

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"there is our british queen!" emi said as i walked into the office. i'm assuming she was helping liam with some paperwork.

"excuse me the only british queen is queen lizzy, and don't you even try to mention camila." i corrected her.

"how was london?" she asked me.

"it was great at first, not when my girlfriend's dad died, but i'm glad i was there to support her." i answered.

"oh yeah i saw that on the news, the billionaire that went missing in his jet after it crashed." emi recalled. "i didn't realize it was violet's father." shock filled her face.

"they weren't that close but it still had a toll on her." i nodded, placing my stuff on my desk.

"you and red got back together?" indra walked in the room.

"she's not red anymore, dyed her hair blonde." liam corrected her.

"i know wanker." indra replied. "so you two are good? you talked things out?" she checked with me.

"yeah we did, i'm confident we're going to be okay." i nodded.

"that's good, make sure you're confident." she nodded. "emi, we gotta get to work. deadlines and deadline-ing, we can't have violet fire us." she smirked.

"you guys are evil, violet is not your boss." i rolled my eyes. emi grabbed indra's hand and they both walked away.

"mm, she technically is the boss of all of us." liam said in a matter of factly.

"billie, please meet me in my office." eliza casually walked by.

"never fails to scare the shit out of me." i sighed and walked behind eliza, i closed the door behind us and stood behind it.

"welcome back honey, how was your trip to london?" she started off.

"it was eventful." i answered.

"you and sadie astor?" she raised a brow.

"are in a relationship."

"good." she nodded, starting to sort through some papers at her desk. "her losing her father, is that going to make an impact on the project? the company?" she asked.

"no, not at all. violet separates her home and work life perfectly, you will not catch her slipping up once at work." i assured her. "she and her father are known to have not had a close relationship either, i guess you can take that as evidence."

"is she happy with the work we have done yet?" she asked me.

"i wouldn't know." i shook my head. "respectfully, i went to rebuild my relationship with my girlfriend and work things out. she did not take some time off work, just for me to ask her about work."

"yes, you're right, my apologies." she nodded. "could you please be a dear and get me my coffee from the sixth floor?"

"of course." i nodded and walked out of the office. i hate that eliza now calls me to make sure v is okay with the work we're doing here, practically using me. i mean i get that she might get a little paranoid about little things and all that, but it feels wrong her asking me every other day about my girlfriend, it's like she's in the relationship with me. maybe i'm overreacting.

"hi penny, just eliza's usual." i ordered once i got to the cart.

"of course." she smiled. "how is the new project going?"

"it's going, i've never seen eliza so nervous about a project. i mean i'm fairly new here, but still." i answered.

"yeah, i read somewhere that this project is the first project of the ceo. which means that it's has to be absolutely perfect, and the company that the project belongs to is supper strict. one mistake and you're out." she said as she prepared the order.

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