Chapter 1

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i was returning to palet town for a little vacation. The final battle against Leon had been 2 weeks ago already. While i was a little bit sad that i had lost, it did improve me a lot. Now i was the number 2 in the world and i had some new ideas on how to train my pokemon. 

i was walking down route 1 in Kanto to palet town. when i looked around i saw the pidgeys and the ratatas running around, playing of just sleeping. i smiled when i saw the first house's of palet town. I looked towards the mousse pokemon that was standing on my shoulder. 

Ash: i am happy we are back home pikachu, are you?

As response he just gave a happy "pika!". I smiled at him and continued towards the town. When i entered the people greeted me with a lot of enthusiasm. I smiled and waved a bit towards the friendly people. 

i smiled once again when i saw the house of my mother. I knocked on the door and when she opened she gave me a big hug. 

 Delia: Ash! i am so happy you are back home. Come in!

 after saying that she opened the door a little bit further and invited me in. i walked inside the house and smiled when i saw that everything was still the same even after i left. 

After me and mom talked a bit she went outside to work in her garden. I walked over to the lab of professor oak. he opened the door after i rang the bell. Before we began talking i walked towards the ranch at the back of his lab. i took my five pokeball and threw them in the air and released them. they looked around a bit in confusion. 

Ash: listen up guys. We are back at the lab of professor oak. i want all of you to have some fun with each other. Pikachu you should join them as well.

 pikachu nodded and all of them walked of to talk other pokemon and play a little.

i walked back inside. The professor was sitting in one of his couches and i joined him. He looked at me and smiled.

 Oak: you have grown quite a lot ash. I still remember the boy who stood here all those years ago in his pyjama's. i am happy that you have grown up, but as well that you still enjoy batteling like al those years ago.

 i smiled at him.

 Ash: i know i have grown up quite a bit since that day but i believe it isn't a bad thing. i maked a lot of stupid decisions in the beginning of my journey. But i am proud to say that i still enjoy batteling like al those years ago.

he nodded at me words, like he expected nothing less than what i had just told him. he speaks up once again. 

Oak: i know you still enjoy it like those old days. I can see it in your eyes. 

he drank a little bit of his tea. He wanted to speak up again when we where interupted by the front door hitting the floor. 

i jumped and moved quikly so i was infront of the professor. A few second latter a team rocket grunt bursted through the door of the room. he looked around for a few second before his eyes settled on us. He smirked and took out a gun from his outfit. he pointed the gun at me, since it would be an almost impossible shot to kill the professor without killing me first. 

he fired the shot and i closed my eyes. When i didn't feel any pain i opened my eyes and saw the professor on the ground and the grunt running away through the door. I quikly sat down by the professor and saw that the bullet had hit him in his belly. I knew that if he didn't get any medical attention soon he would die so i looked around for a phone. 

When i didn't see a phone but a first aid kit i quikly took it. Just when i was about to open the kit a group of people ran through the door. I looked up and saw all my friend and my mom. just when i was about to speak up i saw the hate and disgust in their eyes. It was then i realised that they tought i did this. But why would they? 

Then i saw the gun laying on the ground, only a few metres away from me. before i could speak up took misty out a pokeball. 

misty: stay away from his, you murderer! move towards the window!

i saw that she was serious so i moved to the window. When i looked towards the other people in the group i saw that brock was calling. From what i could hear from where i was standing he was asking for an ambulance and the police. 

Brock spoke up after he had called the police and an ambulance. 

Brock: the ambulance is on his way for the professor. The police asked to move the suspect outside the building since it would be easier to arrest him that way.

 after saying that they Max, Bonnie, cilan, serena, may, dawn and iris moved outside. 

They gave me a sign as well and sighed, knowing i had no choise. I followed them outside. I sat down on a small patch of grass. when i looked around i saw the people that came outside with me where glaring at me and even had some pokemon out to make sure i didn't run. To make it even worse i saw that all my own pokemon where glaring at me as well, including pikachu. they really believed that i did attack the professor. 

i heard the sirens comming closer to the town. When i looked around i saw that all the rest was looking towards the sound as well. When the police and the ambulance arrived the ambumance people imediatly went inside to make sure the professor was alright. the police officers walked towards me with a harsh look and cuffs. I knew they weren't going to listen to anything i said. 

everyone looked towards the bed when the professor was moved to the ambulance. the police officers, who where 15 metres away from me turned around to me so they could arrest me. 

however before they could take another step towards me a load roar could be heard. I, as wel as everyone else looked up. My eyes widened when i saw a huge and strong looking salamence flying there. The salamence landed and before i could do anything a hand was offerd to me. I looked towards the person on the salamence and saw a beautifull girl sitting there. She had long brown hair that reached her shoulders and emerald green eyes. what standed out the most about the girl where the pointed elf ears she had. 

???: come on! we don't have much time!

while i didn't know the elf girl i knew it was my best option to go with her. I took her hand and she pulled me up towards the back of the salamence. When i looked back to the lab i saw that the police officers where trying to move towards us now that they weren't in shock anymore but before they could reach us the girl gave the salamence an order in her beautifull voice.

???: salamence you have to get us out of here, quik!

the salamance quikly flew up and before any of ash's flying pokemon could go after them was already high in the air. we flew for a few hours in silence before the girl pointed out a small island that looked like no one was there to the salamence. The salamence landed on the island and the girl returned the pokemon after thanking it for its efforst. 

after returning her pokemon she turned to me.

 ???: while i know that you probably don't trust me now after your friend betrayed you like that but please trust me. My name is Jade and as you could probably gues i am an elven. i live in elven region that is around 155 miles away from here.

i look at her and when i saw that she meant every word she had just said i nodded. 

Ash: i can see that i can trust you. But i don't onderstand why you helped me.

she gave me a small smile.

 Jade: Elven have aura and psychic abilities. I was able to see everything that happend through my aura. I am so sorry i wasn't able to help any time sooner.

i looked at her again and sighed.

 Ash: thank you for helping me.

 she nodded her head and sat down on a nearby rock. i sat down on the beach of the island a few metres away from her. everyone abandoned me. I didn't know what i was going to do now. Just when i was about to ask Jade if she knew something i could do i was teleported away. 

Champion of the Elves ( completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora