Chapter 19

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a few more days had passed since my battle with Brendan. I had 2 more battles during the three days after that but had won quite easy. I was able to let all my pokemon at least battle once during those fights. 

now was the break during the tournament. Tomorrow would the victory tournament begin and today was the break from the tournament. i was very ecited to battle the other trainers of the top sixteen. they all looked very strong and when i watched their battles was i able to see that they hall very good fighting styles.

Jade and i where sitting in the restaurant of the hotel.  We had just ordered our desert and where waiting for it to arrive.

We realised that we where actually lucky that the league payed for the hotel during the tournament and even during the battles with the elite four. This way could everyone watch the battles life if they where already here. 

we thanked the guy that brought us our desert and ate the ice cream we had ordered.

When we left the restaurant we saw that it was still early on in the evening. A bit to early to go to bed already with other words.

Jade: it is too early to go to bed already so why don't we go for a nice evening walk. I heard there might even be a surprise firework. Altough that is only a rumor I heard.

Ash: well then where are we waiting for? If there really is going to be firework then I want to go find a nice place to watch.

Jade gave me a bright smile and we walk out of the hotel. We looked around for a bit, looking for a good spot to watch the fireworks and decided to go the stadium. It was the highest place so it would be sure to give us the best look.

We enter the stadium and look around. We walk to the stairs as soon as we see them and began to make our way up to the roof of the huge building. As soon as we arrived we looked around and saw a nice place to sit. We walked to the place and sat down. We looked at the many stars in the sky. 

After a few minutes of looking at the starts spoke Jade suddenly up. 

Jade: ... Ash, there is something that i have to tell you. Something that i have been keeping a secret from you since we started travelingen. 

i looked at her face, while she was still looking at the stars, not looking at me. I saw that she was going to say something important and answered. 

Ash: Then say it when you are ready. I will always listen to you and always be with you. I mean that is why we are dating right? To be there for each other. You where there when i needed someone and know i will be here for you. 

i was suprsied when i saw a singel tear go down her cheeks. 

Jade: Thank you Ash... 

after a few minutes of silence spoke she up again. 

Jade: When i said that my parents dies in a accident was i not lying. But what i didn't tell you was that they where very important people in the elven region. My parents where the King and Queen of the region. And as you can probably figure out, that means that i am the princess. But since i was only ten when they died was i not allowed to rule the region. I had to wait until my eighteenth birthday. But i was happy with that. I knew that at that moment i was mentally unstable and that maked me unable to rule even if they allowed me. And to be honest i have never been able to make peace with the fact that they are dead. Until we started traveling. Being with you maked me accept that they where gone but that they at least believed in me. And that they would support me in every way they could if they would be alive. i was angry at myself that i was still not over them while you where, even after what happend. 

i was in shock. Jade was the princess of the region? Wait, that means i am dating a princess. then i realised that Jade was waiting, waiting at my answer. 

Ash: It doesn't matter Jade. I understand why you didn't say anything. But i stay with what i said before. I will always stay with you.

Jade looked in my eyes and i saw tears in her eyes. I bend my face a little bit forward and kiss her on her lips. For the first seconds was Jade so suprised that she didn't do anything but after she began to kiss me back. 

Two minutes later broke we up because we needed air. I looked at her and whiper the tears from her face with my finger. I looked at her and understood how lucky i was. I mean she was so cute and beautifull. her cute elf ears and her brown hair. 

Ash: Jade i want you to know that i love you and that i always will. 

Jade: Oh Ash... Thank you. I was really afraid you would be angry. 

Ash: I can't be angry at you, my little elf. 

Jade looked at me and narrowed her eyes and i smirked. 

Jade: 'You little elf?' If you give me a nickname then i want to call you Ashy. 

I sighed and nodded.

Ash: Only for you, my love, only for you. 

Jade: there is one more thing that i want to ask. I said that when i am eightteen i am allowed to take the crown. The people expect me to. And i want to as well. But i want you by my side, as my King. I hope that when the time comes you want to become my King. 

I looked at her and gave her a gentle smile. 

Ash: If i am going to be your King then you will have to be my Queen.  

she smiles and after a few seconds she begins to laugh out loud. After she gets herself back together she looks at me. 

Jade: I would be honnored to be your Queen when the time comes. 

We smile at each other and once again we bend to each other. When our lipps connect again we kissed for another minutes. We where interupted when they started the fireworks, which we had completly forgotten by now. 

we looked up and smiled when we saw the fireworks. Jade leaned against my shoulder as we watched the fireworks. There where pictures of a lot of diferent pokemon. Around midnight stopped the fireworks and we decided to return to the hotel. 

Tomorrow morning was of course the start of the victory tournament and i wanted to sleep a little bit before having to battle. we left the roof of the stadium and walked back to our hotel. We entered and where greeted by the hotel staff. We nodded at each other as a sign of respect and Jade and i walked to the room we had. 

we entered the room and after doing our night ritual, like brushing our teeth and changin in our pyjama we walked to the bed and welcomed the sleep.

all move information is found on

Ash's pokemon:

Meowscarada is level 75 and has the ability Protean. ( knows all moves it can learn)

scizor is level 73 and has the technician ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

Vaporeon is level 73 and has the Hydration ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

Pawmot is level 73 and has the volt absorb ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

gardevoir is level 73 and has has the telepathy ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

magmortar is level 73 and has the flame body ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

nidoqueen is level 73 and has the poison point ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

Jade's pokemon

salamence is level 75 and has the moxie ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

Xatu is level 75 and has magic bounce ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

Arcanine is lv 75 and has Intimidate ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

ursaring is level 75 and has the quick feat ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

electrivire is level 75 and has the motor drive ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

gyarados is level 75 and has the intimidate ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

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