Chapter 20

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i woke up around 9 in the morning. I was very happy that the victory tournament would only start at noon. This way i was still able to stay in bed. Jade, who was still sleepings snuggled some more into me and i smiled. 

Half an hour later woke Jade up and we decided that we should do our morning routine. So we stood up, each one of us took a shower, putted on a new outfit, whick looked like the one we always wear and brushed our teeth. 

We maked our way downstairs to the hotel as soon as we where ready. We ordered some breakfast and after eating we maked our way outisde. It was now 10:30 so we still had an hour and hal before we had to be in the stadium. I had heard that Jason was about to give another speech as well. 

we walked around the city for an hour and looked at the jewelery shops. I had seen some beautifull pieces of jewels that i wanted to buy for Jade but i decided to wait a little bit. We walked to the stadium after an hour had passed. When we arrived was i informed that i needed to enter the field together with the other members of the top sixteen so Jason could give his speech. 

I kissed Jade goodbye and walked to one of the two locker rooms. Altough there where of course two locker rooms where all trainers of the top sixteen in one off them. As soon as it was 12 where we called up. 

We slowly walked up to the middle of the field. Jason was standing on a drone like device and looked ready to speak to the crowd. As soon as we where seen by the crowd began they to cheer for us. 

Jason looked around the crows with a smile. He was rady to speak but it looked like he wanted the crowd to have their moment. As soon as it was silent once again began he to speak. 

Jason: A lot of trainers had entered the league after collecting eight badges. But now, when i look in front of me i see only sixteen of them. Sixteen trainers who each are extremly strong and want to win. That is the reason why i and the elite four will watch all of you with great interest, to see who among all of you is worthy to challenge us. MAY THE BEST TRAINER WIN!

the crowd erupted into cheers once more. then where we allowed to leave the stadium and check our next match. I looked towards the board that had the battle set up and saw that my oponent was a boy called harry. 

i looked towards harry and he looked at me on the same moment. We nodded respectfully at each other and went our own way, going to prepare for our match that would be on 4 in the afternoon. 

time skip to 4 hours in the after noon:

i entered the battle grounds. Harry, my oponent was already walking up to his box. I continued my walk as well. we nodded at each other and turned to the referee. He nodded at us as well and began to explain the rules. 

Referee: this will be a six on six battle between Ash and Harry. changing pokemon is allowed. Harry will release his pokemon first and then will the rest of the battle begin. 

Harry took a pokeball in his hand and smirked at me. I liked that he was confident. He threw the pokeball and a Mr. Mime appeared. I took the pokeball of meowscarada in my hand and threw it. 

Harry looked at his pokemon and when it nodded decided to give the first command. 

Harry: use shadow ball!

Ash: counter with double team and night slash!

the multiple copies of meowscarada maked it so that the shadow ball missed. Meowscarada charged forward after that with night slash. The Mr.Mime was not capable of dodging and was hit by the night slash. Altough it was a strong pokemon, it was still a super effecive hit and a critical one as well. The pokemon was clearly not able to get back up. 

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