Chapter 22

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i walked to the middle of the field and shaked hands with Harry. 

Ash: good battle, Harry. You are really good. 

Harry: maybe, but you are way better. I can't remember the last time i lost this baddly. 

Ash: it was not that baddly. I mean you took out 4 of my pokemon

Harry just laughed and shaked my hand again. the crowd was cheering because the sportmanship we where showing. I smiled a last time at him and turned around to walk back to the locker room. 

I entered the locker room and took a quick shower there. I left the room and smiled as i saw Jade waiting for me. She walked to me and gave me a kiss on my lips. I kissed her back and we broke up. 

Ash: i want to go to the pokemon center first, but maybe we can go on a date after that. 

She gave me a bright smile. 

Jade: i would love that Ash. 

we connected our hands and walked out of the stadium towards the pokemon center. We enterde the building and walked to the nurse that was having a shift at the moment. She looked up when she heard us approaching and spoke up. 

Nurse: Hello, how may i help you? 

Ash: i have just finished my battle and i would like my pokemon to be checked by a professional healer.  altough i can do it myself as well, would i like it if you checked for me to be sure there is nothing wrong. 

Nurse: of course, may i please have your pokeballs then? 

I handed her the balls and watched as she walked back to a room with all the necesaire items to check their health. After waiting for around ten minutes walked she back to us with my pokeballs and a proud smile. 

Nurse: your pokemon are in a verry good condition sir. You are taking good care of them for sure. 

She handed me the pokeballs back and i reconnected them to my belt. We nodded at the nurse and left the center. 

I took Jade's hand in mine again and walked to the fair. We walked around and enjoyed some of the roller coasters that where there. After walking around in the fair for around an hour did i decide that we should go have something for dinner. 

we walked around for ten minutes before i saw the restaurant where i wanted to take her. i pulled her a bit, to say that she should follow me and we walked to the restaurant. We entered and a waitress showed us our place quickly. 

we ordered our food and had a good dinner. After eating i decided to order desert as wel. Jade looked like she was about to protest since this was a expensive restaurant but before she could had i already ordered. She fake glared at me. I just smiled at her and she roled her eyes. 

We ate the desert and after that we stood up and walked to the exit. I paid the food and Jade glared at me again because of how expensive it was but i ignored it. The waitress that was doing the checkout was chuckling to how we looked. 

We left the restaurant and Jade turned to me. 

jade: you shouldn't have used that much money on just dinner. it was way to expensive. 

Ash: No it was not. And stop arguing about it since i am going to do it again for each time you say another word for it. 

She sighed but didn't say anything anymore. we walked back to the hotel and entered our room. We quikly prepared ourself for the night and went to bed since my battle was at 10 in the morning. 

i was woken up by Jade giving me a kiss. I openend my eyes in shock and looked at her. She smirked at me and i smiled at her. 

Jade: it is half nine Ashy. You have to be at the stadium in an hour and half. 

I thanked her quikly before standing up and going to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and maked my self ready for the day. 

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jade sitting on the bed, already ready. I walked up to her and  gave her a quick kiss on her lips and took her hand. 

Ash: Shal we go for breakfast my little elf? 

She glared at me and pushed me back a little. She stood up and walked to the door before turning to me. 

Jade: well, i though you wanted to go for breakfast?

i chuckeld and followed her quickly. We walked downstairs instead of taking the elevator and took place in the restaurant. we ordered our breakfast just like we did normally and ate in silence. 

we walked outside after we had our breakfast and went to an area where we could release our pokemon to give them their breakfast. 

we released all our pokemon as soon as we arrived at the place. We gave all of them their food and i looked at my pokemon. 

Ash: Okay guys, we have to win this battle today. After today's battle are there only 2 more battles we have to win. Then can we challenge the elite four and after them the champion, Jason. 

They all roared in approvell. Meowscar walked to me and smiled. "We will always battle alongside you Ash." My other pokemon roared again in approvell. I smiled at them. 

Jade: i don't want to disrupt this moment but we have to go to the stadium. 

i smiled at her and returned her pokemon, she had already returned hers. we left the open area and began our walk to the stadium. we entered and a lot of people recognized us. this was of course also because of Jade's status as the crown princess. 

they cheered for me and i smiled as i walked to the locker room. I needed to wait for around ten minutes before i was allowed to enter the battle field.  I slowly walked up to the middle of the field and took my place in the trainer box. 

my oponent of this battle was a girl that looked to be 15 years old. I knew that her knew was Amy, but that was everything i knew since i didn't want to know wich pokemon my oponent used. 

referee: this will be a six on six battle between Ash and Amy. Both trainers will realease their first pokemon on the same moment and substitution is allowed. Trainers, please release your first pokemons!

all move information is found on

Ash's pokemon:

Meowscarada is level 78 and has the ability Protean. ( knows all moves it can learn)

scizor is level 75 and has the technician ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

Vaporeon is level 75 and has the Hydration ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

Pawmot is level 75 and has the volt absorb ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

gardevoir is level 75 and has has the telepathy ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

magmortar is level 75 and has the flame body ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

nidoqueen is level 75 and has the poison point ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

Jade's pokemon

salamence is level 75 and has the moxie ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

Xatu is level 75 and has magic bounce ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

Arcanine is lv 75 and has Intimidate ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

ursaring is level 75 and has the quick feat ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

electrivire is level 75 and has the motor drive ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

gyarados is level 75 and has the intimidate ability. ( knows all moves it can learn)

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