Chapter 6

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we where walking on route 3. I had checked my pokedex earlier and there weren't any pokemon here that i wanted to catch. The only pokemon that could be founded on this route where hoothoot, skwovet, scatterbug, pachirichu, combee and noibat. 

Altough noibat where pokemon that most trainers would catch since it was a dragon type i didn't since it would remind me of my former noivern, even more after it evolves. so we where walking through the forest with as only goal going to the next place. and watching pokemon of course. 

i also didn't do any battling since i wanted to do some special training when we arrive in the next town with a gym. 

in the late afternoon we arrived in a small town called Goldsheen town. Jade had told me that there wasn't a gym in this place but that there was a little wel where a lot of pokemon where. She said that these pokemon where know to be good battlers. So when we arrived we walked to the well to check it out. 

i looked at the pokemon in  the well and saw a lot of wild pokemon. Some where even battling each other. where my eye on fell however was not all the pokemon but one small particular one. An eevee who was battling a large raticate. 

altough the raticate was way larger than the eevee, was the eevee able to pull of a win. after that it walked away to some other pokemon, water types to be more specifically. we watched as the eevee looked at the water types with a sad look. 

my eyes widen and turn to jade. 

Ash: Can you please keep my stuff here for a moment? i have to go do something quick. 

Jade: ( looking confused) yeah sure. But we carefull okay?

i nodded at her and turned around. i go inside the well and go towards the place where the eevee is. i crouch down in front of it. 

Ash: i saw you battle. You are a brave one aren't you? 

the eevee looks confused at me. It probably wanted to know why i was talking to it. 

Eevee: Yeah but why do you care about it? 

Ash: i saw you looking at the water with a sad expression. do you want to evolve into a vaporeon?

now i saw even more confusion on its face. 

Eevee: yes i do. And i am searching for a strong trainer who i can battle alongside as well. 

Now it was my turn to smile. 

Ash: if that is the case i want to give you an offer. i am searching for a water type for my type as well. and i have a water stone for you if you become my pokemon. Then you can evolve into a vaporeon. so what do you say? want to come with me? 

he looks shocked at what i had said. What i had offered. he looks up into my eyes, searching for lies. After a minute he nods. i take out a pokeball and offer it to him. He pushes it with his paw and was captured without any problems.

i walked back to jade and she was smiling. i open the pokeball with eevee in it and offer it the water stone like i promised. He looks at me and after a nod and places his pawn on it. The white light envolves him and when the light had passed he now was blue and had a long tail. 

i take out the pokedex and after asking him if it was okay scanned him to know his moves. 

Vaporeon is level 15 and has the Hydration ability. he knows the moves Baton pass, Bite, Charm, copycat, Covet, Double edge, growl, Helping hand, swift, Tackle, Tail whip, Take Down, Sand attack, Quick Attack, Baby-doll eyes, detect, water gun.

i look at vaporeon in schock. 

Ash: you have a very good moveset already!

he grinned at me and i returned him so we could continue walking to the next town with a gym. before we left however i wanted to inform myself about something. So i walked to the pokemon center and asked about the situation of professor oak. the nurse was able to tell me that he was in a coma. 

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