Chapter 3

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i woke up around 7 in the morning. I stepped out of bed and saw that Sprigatito and Jade where opening their eyes as well. They both get out of bed. i look towards Jade. 

Ash: i hope you don't have a problem with it if i am going to watch these new trainers?

 she looks suprised at that. 

Jade: no of course not, besides that i want to go see it as wel.

we both maked sure we where ready and walked to the restaurant of the center to get breakfast. During breakfast jade speaks suddenly up. 

Jade: i know this is maybe a weird moment to say this but sine a few weeks trainers are allowed to carry more than 6 pokemon on them, altough you can maximum use 6 of them in an official battle.

 i was suprised at the information but nodded as thank to jade. 

After breakfast we walked outside to the lab of professor Hazel. When we arrive opens Jason the door and lets us in, altough we go through the lab to the garden. When we arrive there i see professor Hazel there with three other persons. 2 boys and 1 girl. we approach them and Jason begins to introduce us. 

Jason: Jade, Ash this are three trainers who are about to begin their yourney at the late age of 15. Because they want to become a master in a different type than fire, grass or water they will get special pokemon as partners as well. The boy with Brown hair and Red eyes is called Shane. The other boy, with the white hair and the brown eyes is called Jack. The girl with the black hair and the purple eyes is called Daphne. 

he introduces us all to each other. After we greeted each other he turned back to the soon to be trainers. 

 Jason: you al ready have gotten your pokedexes and now it is time to get your pokemon. Oh and Ash they already agreed to having a match with you after getting your pokemon.

 i nodded and smirked at that. 

Professor Hazel comes to us with three pokeballs and gives one Shane.

 Hazel: open it and meet your partner! 

Shane throws the pokeball in the air and realeases his starter. the pokemon that appeared was the Tricky Fox Pokémon, zorua. the zorua looks up and meets eyes with shane  and they began to talk for a few minutes. After that zorua clims on Shane's head. 

the professor turns to Jack next. she gaves him a pokeball as wel. he releases it and the Sharp Claw Pokémon sneasel appears. the pokemon smirks and Jack does that as well. No words needed to be said. They already acepted each other as partners. 

The professor finnaly turns to Daphne. she gives her the pokeball and she throws it and this time the Meditate Pokémon, Meditite. she crouches down and talks a bit. 

After half an hour of the trainers bonding with their pokemon Jason called them. He leads us to a battlefield that is in the middle of the garden. 

Jason: it is time for all of you to have your battles. do any of you want to battle ash first? 

After a few second Shane comes forward. We both walk to one side of the field. 

Shane: Zorua lets win this! 

Ash: Sprigatito  i count on you girl!  

both pokemon stood in front of each other.

 Ash:  Sprigatito start this off with Sucker Punch. 

Sprigatito sprints forward and before Zorua can react slams her paw in zorua's face. Zurua backs up a few steps. 

Shane: Zorua, we can't let him win. Leer! 

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