My oc's

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This part isn't a chapter but will explain some more about the oc's. 

First oc:

Name: Jade Black
Eye color: emerals green ( reason why her name is Jade)
hair color: Brown ( hair is shoulder length)

Arcanine lv: 60, knows all of the moves learned by level up, has Intimidate ability

salamence lv: 60, knows all moved except double edge, Moxie ability

Xatu lv: 60, knows all moves learned by level up, has magic bounce ability

role in the story: Travelingspartner, love interest
background: Jade grew up with her family happily. on her tenth birthday however her parents had an acident. They didn't survive. After that she traveled through the region and chalenged the gyms. She eventually won the league but didn't chalenge the elite four to try and become champion. 

second oc: 

Name: Daphne Thelma
eye color: purple eyes
hair color: black

meditite: lv: 5, knows confusion and work up, has the ability pure power

role in the story: rival
background: Daphne has no super special background as she says herself. she wants to become a master in using psychic type pokemon and her family and friends are supporting her in this dream.

third oc: 

Name: Shane sootey
eye color: red
hair color: Brown


zorua lv: 5, knows, scratch, torment and leer. has the ilusion ability. 

role in the story: rival
background: wants to becoma a dark type master after a dark type pokemon saved him once in the woods when he was being attacked by a arbok. 

fourht oc: 

Name: Jack vernon
eye color: brown eyes
hair color: white


sneasel: lv: 5, knows leer and scratch, has the inner focus ability

role in the story: rival
background: he wants to be a ice master like the rest of his family members. because of that he is on a journay alone. 

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