Chapter 11

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Time skip 2 months


a lot had happended in two monts time. I had defeated three other gym leaders and now had 6 badges. We also defeated 2 other bases of team tsunami. 

the battles against the gym leaders had been quite dificult. The leader of the 4 gym was mandy, a bug type specialist. back then i didn't have anything good against bug types so it had been a dificult battle. She had been able to take out 3 of my pokemon before i finnaly knocked out her fourth and last pokemon. 

the fifth gym had been an electric type gym led by frank. he had putted up a good fight before he lost as well. The last gym leader i had chalenged had been a normal type gym ledd by Jenny. She actually was very good with normal types and i had a lot of fun during the battle. 

the two bases of team tsunami had been very dificult to beat in the begining. But after defeating a few of their trainers i knew how strong they really where and defeated the rest of the base relativly easy. Only the two bosses had been able to put on a fight when i reached them. But i still overpowered them and handed them over to the police. 

my team improved a lot as well. Floragato evolved into meowscarada and learned a lot of new moves. Scyther evolved after Jade gave me a metal coat. we then traded quickly between us and then she traded him back. Scizor learned some new moves as well. vaporeon learned some more new moves like ice beam to defeat grass types. Pawmot leanred a lot of new moves as well. 

i had captured a gardevoir after i saw her battling pokemon in a forest. She loved battling but in the forest was their no one who was able to defeat her and because of that i offered her to come allong and meet new and stronger oponents. 

while traveling throught the same forest i had captured gardevoir i also captured a magmar and Jade an electrabuzz. They both wanted to come along with one of us and after choosing one of us did we capture them. 

We evolved them both using the items for it and traded with each other before trading back. now we both had a team of 6 pokemon. But even tough i had six pokemon i still wanted some more. 

during our travels we also met Shane and Jack again. Both where doing well and when we battled i saw that they had become a lot stronger. They had potential to become strong trianers, maybe even elite four members. 

and one of the last things i found out was that i fell in love with Jade. i didn't realise it in the beginning of the journey but after traveling with her for a long time i knew i was in love. I just didn't know how to confess to her. I mean she was very beautifull and i didn't want to lose my traveling partner because something like that. 

we arrived in the next city called sheercloak city. It was home to the seventh gym, a fightning type. while we could go to the gym now i decided that i didn't want that. i turned to Jade. 

Ash: is it fine with you if i challenge the gym tomorrow? I want to rest a it first and explore the city. 

She looked suprised that i wanted to wait. 

Jade: of course we can wait. I mean the league is only in 6 months. We will be done with traveling a few monts before the league anyway.

we smiled at each other and walked towards the pokemon center. we checked in and got a room. We walked towards the room and when we entered where we greeted by 2 single beds. I put my stuff by one of the beds and Jade does the same with the other bed. We both lay down on our bed and closed our eyes for a few minutes. 

i decided that i would confess my feeling to Jade here. i opened my eyes and sat up. When jade saw that i was about to say something she sat up as well. i was quite nervous and i saw that it confused Jade a lot. 

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