3 - Thomas Rinaldi

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The whole week went by too quick.

Though it's been the same.

Mackenzie doesn't eat or talk. She stays in her room. She doesn't talk at school. She won't really even respond to me.

I wish I could figure out what's wrong with her. Because something is wrong.

Or she was born a fucking weirdo.

"Did we lose you Nat?" Brooks tapped my knee.

To be honest, my whole friend group is good to each other. We love each other like a family. I guess that's because that's what we are. A little family.

"I'm here." I looked around the packed car, "Where are we going anyway?"

"It's a Friday night," Cass looked at me, "Take a guess."

"Yeah but who's party again?" I'm a forgetful person.

Jackson stopped the car at the red light, "Jenni's house."

"Over on Lancaster?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "I thought she wasn't throwing parties anymore?"

"Her back to school bash." Maddie looked up from her phone, "Left you idiot." She pointed to the left.

"I'm not stupid. I know where her house is." Jack made a left turn and drove into the neighborhood.

It's the richest neighborhood in Newport. The knobs.

Everyone calls it the snobs. Jackson and I live over here but that doesn't stop us from joining in.

"We have arrived." London looked out the window.

Jenni James lives on a farm. Her house is huge and she has a lot of land. She also has like 6 horses so that tells you something.

I followed everyone out of the Subaru. It's Maddie's car but she hates driving.

I don't understand how someone can hate driving.

"Fuckin clown car you got there," Yanni walked over to Alex and dapped him up, "Jenni is throwing the best fucking party of the year." He leaned back as he said that, "I can feel it."

"You have to wait for the halloween party this year." Jack shook his head.

"Bet it's gonna be Marcus again." Alex nodded along.

Cass and I walked into the house. Everyone else likes small talk. I'm only here for free booze.

"Cassie! And little Miss Matthews." Alex Lynch. Cassie's ex. Don't be fooled by the greeting, this girl is a devil.

"Not today Al." Cass pulled me into the kitchen, "God she just irritates the fuck out of me." She picked up whatever liquor was closest to her, "I mean, how can she think we can be friends after what she did?"

I watched as Cass downed the rest of the bottle.

"Woo!" Cass looked at me, "I am gonna dance so hard. Wanna come?"

"I will in a second. I have to get drunk."

She shrugged, "Don't be stupid."

"Yeah. Yeah." I watched her walk into the living room.

I scanned the crowd.

I invited Mackenzie to come. Which I feel like was stupid. Obviously she doesn't want to come to a party. That girl is just sad.

Like all the time.

I picked up the Malibu on the counter. Unopened. But I don't care.

I opened the bottle and poured it into an empty cup.

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