21 - Nice shorts

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"Nat. Your dad pulled in." Mackenzie pulled away from me.

"Don't care." I kissed her again.

She smiled and pulled away again, taking the keys out of the ignition, "I care. And I really don't want him to catch us like this."

I pouted and grabbed my backpack from the back seat, "Mean."

"Oh you know you love it."

I shook my head, getting out of the car.

"Ah there are two of my favorite people!" He smiled at us, "You been parked for a while. Everything okay?"

"We had a little disagreement about our halloween costume but we figured it out." I smiled at him.

Mackenzie gave me a glare.

"I'm so glad to see you two so close. I was a little iffy at first when you were being an asshole." He shook his head smiling, then looked at Mackenzie, "Told you she'd come around."

They both laughed at the reference.

"What?" I looked between them.

"Nothing nothing." Mackenzie followed dad into the house.

We made it to the basement. FINALLY.

"What was that about?' I looked at her as she sat at her desk.

She smiled, "In the car on the first day I was coming here, he said Teddy was excited for me to come but you weren't. You just have a hard time adjusting." She laughed, "Taylor Swift reference."

I shook my head, "I didn't need to adjust."

"Well you did. And look where we are now." She looked at me and smiled, "Okay so I am gonna go to Maddie's for a really quick emergency and I'll be here before 6."

"You have to go to Maddie's?"

"Yeah but it's an emergency." She stood up and put her hands on my waist, "I pinky promise I will be here before 7." She held up her pinky.

I smiled, linking my pinky with hers. "You can't be late or you'll have to cut off your pinky."

"Cut off my pinky?"

"Yes ma'am." I nodded.

She smiled and kissed me, "I'll be back soon okay?"

"Ugh." I did an over dramatic sigh as she put on her jacket.

"What is it now?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Nothing nothing. Just go."

"No what."

"That was just a really short kiss."

She laughed, "I am so sorry princess." She kissed me slowly. Gently. "Now may I go?"

"You may."


"Homework?" Dad sat at the table next to me and glanced at my computer.

"Yeah. Writing."

"What are you writing about?" He set his book down. How To Kill A Mockingbird.

"It's hard to explain. Something you feel but can't tell anyone."

He nodded, taking a drink of whatever was in his mug. Probably tea. For a man that grew up in southern Texas, you'd expect him to be a little rougher around the edges. But no. My father is what you would call, written by a woman. "Can I read it when you're done?"

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