16 - Jealous Jealous Jealous girl

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This week has been so busy.

It's Friday now and I haven't been talking to Mac except for in the car on the way to school. I just can't think of anything to say to her without sounding like an idiot. And I've been so incredibly busy.

"Hey Nat." Elliot walked behind me. She's one of the three new people that we put on varisty this year. She's the best out of the three.

I looked over at her, noticing how much taller I am than her. "Hi Ellie."

"So there's a party tonight?" She looked away when our eyes met.

I opened the cafeteria door, "You heard about that?"

"Yeah." She nodded, adjusting her backpack, "I was just wondering if I could go?"

I looked at her as we got in line for lunch, "You don't have to ask to go you know? It's like an open thing."

"Yeah but I have no idea where it is." She messed with her bangs and looked back at me, "And I might need a ride."

I smiled, "That's why you're asking me."

She shook her head but the smile that overtook her lips told me everything I needed to know.

"Yeah I'll take you." I turned back towards the line, "How are you liking Creighton?"

"I've never gone to a public school as rich as this." She shook her head, "It feels like a private school."

I eyed her for a moment, taking in her words. I suppose she's right. Creighton is a lot nicer than the other schools around here. But a lot of rich kids go here. I mean, it's a lake town. Rich people live here.

"Yeah. I think Creighton just has a lot of wealthy sponsors." I thought of my own parents. Who donated a whole lacrosse field.

"Well I do like it. Especially compared to my last school." She picked up a salad out of the fridge and stood with me in the pizza line, "The food here is definitely better."

"Yeah, made fresh every morning." I nodded, "You're switching into my Calculus class right?"

"Yeah I think I did. Starts next week."

I picked up two pieces of cheese pizza and walked over to the register. Elliot paid for her salad and I paid for my pizza.

I looked at her, "Who are you sitting with?"

She pointed to the empty table in the back corner of the lunch room.

"Hell nah." I shook my head, "You're gonna sit with me."

She looked at me then my table I usually sit at, "I am not sitting with them."

"And why is that?" I raised my eyebrows, a small smirk threatening to come out.

"I'm new. I don't want to be popular."

"Why would you be popular by sitting with us?" I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"You're the friend group. Everyone wants to sit there so if a new kid does, they'll notice."

"Please sit with us."

"I hate talking to new people."

"You talked to me just fine?"

She looked away from me, "Because you looked like you were easy to talk to."

I smiled and put my free hand on her back, guiding her towards the table gently, "My friends are the easiest people to talk to trust me."

"But you've known them forever?" She looked at me one more time before reaching the table.

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