10 - Let's go

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"Mom!" I looked at the tired woman as she walked into the kitchen, "Hi. How are you feeling?"

She smiled at me, "I am doing well sweetie," She opened the refrigerator, "I was thinking about making something for breakfast?"

"Oh don't worry Mrs. Matthews," Mackenzie smiled at my mom, "We made pancakes."

"I made pancakes," Teddy hollered from the dining room, "The girls just watched."

I looked at him through the open space and held back a laugh, "We did the dishes though." I looked at Mackenzie who was sitting at the island, simply staring at us.

"That was very sweet of you." Mom put her hand on my shoulder and looked between us. She backed up and smoothed her hair back, "I have my first appointment today."

"How do you feel about that?" I looked her in the eyes.

Dad came bouncing down the stairs, "What are we talking about?"

"Moms appointment today," Teddy set his syrup covered plate in the sink and rinsed it off.

"Ah yes," Dad kissed her cheek, "How are we feeling about that?"

"I just asked her that." I looked at him.

His eyebrows furrowed together as he opened his mouth to say something.

"Very excited." Mom nodded, keeping a positive attitude about the whole thing, "I have a good feeling about it."

"Good." I looked away from them, turning my attention back to Mac. She's just staring at us. I wish I could figure out what is going on in her head.

We watched that movie on Saturday night. She really helped me keep my mind of my mom.

Yesterday is when Mom and Dad finally got home. They were too tired to really talk. But we all sat down for dinner. Kade's fall break is next week so he's supposed to be in town. Which is weird because he hasn't been back since the fight.

That was 2 years ago.

"Well," Mom spoke up, relieving us all from the awkward silence, "I will let you guys get to your plans." She smiled warmly at us, "I'm sure you all have friends to see."

I glanced at Mackenzie. She just shrugged. "Yeah okay," I turned back to Mom, "I guess we'll see you at dinner later?"

"Yes of course." She nodded, turning to the stack of pancakes behind dad.

I looked at Mackenzie as I headed towards the stairs.

She followed behind me, closing the door as we disappeared into the basement. "What can you play?" She gestured to the instruments in the corner.

"What can't I play?" I looked at the drums, "I have 3 other guitars in my room. But I prefer the drums."

"What's your favorite song to play on them?" She sat on the bean bag chair in the corner, her eyes never leaving me as she did. Something about that make me was to squirm.

I smirked, "You've Seen the Butcher by Deftones. We spent like 6 weeks perfecting it."

"We?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah," I sat on the edge of the couch closest to her, "Me, Brooks, Kade, and Cass." I smiled, "Cass plays guitar too. She's really talented. I was on drums. Brooks and Cass were playing guitar. And Kade was singing." I shook my head, "He's really good at songs like that."

"I'm jealous of you." She looked at the ground then back at me with a look I couldn't quite figure out.

"Why?" I didn't look away from her stare.

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