31 - Wedding Bells

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It's been a month since I said I love you to Mackenzie. And things have gotten good for the most part. My friends are all really busy. And in between lacrosse, my AP classes, and Kidd's wedding tomorrow, I am completely packed full of activities.

Mac and I had a date night last night. It feels so weird having to schedule a date night because our schedules are so busy,

Mom is sick. Sicker than sick really. She was moving around last week but now she can't really get out of bed.

It hurts to see her like this. But I think she'll get through it. There's always a chance.

Mackenzie submitted her essay to Berkeley. It's early, yes. But she is set on going there. And I have no doubt in my mind she won't get in. She's a legacy. Her mom and dad went there, her grandpa, his dad, so on and so forth.

I've been laying in bed watching her sleep for the last 30 minutes.

Mackenzie is easily the most beautiful person I've ever seen. And I know you're probably so tired of me saying that. But I love looking at her. I love being around her.

I love her.

I never thought love would be like this. I never thought I would find it.

But here I am. Lying with the girl of my dreams in my arms.

As much as I want to stay like this, I have to pee.

I slid out from under her and adjusted the blanket so it was still wrapped around her body.

I made it to the bathroom door when she took a long breath in, "Where you goin'?"

"I have to pee babe." I looked at her, "Go back to sleep."

A series of incoherent noises escaped her before she pulled the blanket over her head and went back to sleep.

I used the bathroom quickly before deciding I can't go back to sleep.

Kidd's birthday was last week. He turned 22. Charlotte's family is in town. Dad offered to let them stay here but they insisted on staying in the hotel with everyone else.

They're probably the nicest people I've ever met. You'd expect a hotshot doctor and badass lawyer to be scary and cold and harsh and judgy. But they're the opposite. Mr. Myers has a mustache and slick, jet black hair. His eyes are bluer than the ocean and that's definitely where Char gets hers from. Mrs. Myers is short and blonde. She has a stone stare but she assured us that's just because she's been working long hours. Charlotte's brother is really nice too. Smart as hell though. I could barely keep up.

"Good morning baby." Dad kissed the side of my head as soon as I got up the stairs, "Mac still sleeping?"

"Yeah we got back late." I nodded, stealing a piece of toast off his plate. I could ask him about the obvious elephant in the room. He hasn't been sleeping and mom hasn't come down the stairs in days. I know she's not okay. Everyone knows.

He spoke up before I could say anything, "So how was the date? You went to Rossellini's, right?"


"Yeah. We did." I nodded, studying his face. Calm. Collected. He knows about Mac and I. For how long?

He sat at the table with a sigh, "I hear William took over the place. Seems like it's rather popular now."

"Yeah he changed the menu around and everything." I sat next to him, "How is she?"

He sighed again, taking a long sip of his coffee. The steam fogged up his glasses. "She's tired. Excited for the wedding though."

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