28 - Skiing

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I woke up right as we were pulling into Grandpa's driveway. The drive from the airport was long since there's not one out here. That makes sense though because it's the mountains.

I love it though.

But I also hate it.

If you told me to point out Huntsville, Utah on a map, I wouldn't be able to.

Grandpa's cabin is up a long road that only leads to three houses. His, The Christensens, and Mary Henderson.

They're nice. I met them once when I was 9 when grandpa got into a snow plow accident and we had to come see him.

"Finally." Mackenzie squeezed my thigh.

I realized I was leaning against her. Sleeping. In the car with my family.

And I realized how much privacy we really get at home. Teddy is always busy, mom and dad are preoccupied. No one cares what we're doing because we just look like two normal teenagers having fun.

I looked up at her, unable to even say anything.

Then I remembered the events that took place last night.

I felt a blush come across my cheeks.

"You're making it obvious and I'm gonna barf." Teddy glared at us as he climbed out of the large SUV. His curly hair is pulled into a ponytail to keep it out of his face. He keeps saying he's gonna get a haircut but I don't think that's at all true.

Dad switched off the engine, "Make sure you all are bundled up when you get out." He opened his door and the chilly air hit me like a smack in the face.

I waited until both mom and dad got out of the car before opening the door and looking back at Mackenzie, "You need to be on your best behavior this weekend."

"It's just so hard to resist you." She slid her hand up my thigh.

I jumped out of the car, glaring at her, "Not here. Or I will never let you touch me again."

"Now that I have, I don't know if I can stop." She smirked at me.

"Hey get in here you two! Marshall wants you to meet some people!" Mom looked at us through the doorway, "Bring your bags!"

"Okay Mom." I turned back to Mackenzie, "Let's go."

Once we got all of our bags into the living room, Marshall came into the room with a short woman following close behind. AND A CHILD.

"This is Julia and Jackson. We've been dating for about 3 months now. Julia and I. Jackson is her son. We're not dating."

I pursed my lips together to hold in the laugh.

Mackenzie couldn't hold it in. "Sorry Marshall."

His face was red, "Well. This is my family. My sister Maggie and her husband/ one of my closest buddies, Richard. Their kids Teddy and Natalie. And Mackenzie, who lives with them."

Julia greeted all of us. Jackson didn't utter a word.

"Well!" Dad clapped his hands together just as he likes to do, "Let's finish getting unpacked."

"Where is everyone planning on sleeping?" Grandpa looked around the room.

"We're in the green room downstairs. Jackson claimed top bunk in the bunk bed room." Marshall nodded and sat on the old couch against the wall. A portrait of Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Rosie, and Dad rested on the wall.

"Well Maggie and I will be sleeping in the red room. Ted?" Dad looked at Teddy who was trying so desperately to get service on his phone by standing on his tip toes and holding his phone in the air, "You mind sharing a room with Jackson?"

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