11 - I don't want to be alone

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natalie pov

"So," I looked at my friends sitting around London's room. Her parents are out of town and with my mom being home, I can't risk them saying or doing something stupid. Plus she is having a small party tonight. 'Small.'

"So?" Jackson sat up, "What was this urgent meeting about?"

"Yeah. You know I have to be in Tampa in like 4 hours," Sam looked at me with a confused expression, "Is everything okay?"

I glanced at Mackenzie who was seated next to Maddie. Practically sitting on her. Not that I care, you know? I just don't want them to date.

Because that would make the friend group weird.

That's all.

"Well there's a reason I had you all leave my house on Friday."

"We figured," Cassie nodded, "What's wrong?"

I don't even really want to say it out loud. How can I? That makes it so real.

"Dude. You're scaring us." Jackson raised his eyebrows.

"My mom has cancer." I didn't mean to blurt that out like that. I had this whole speech in my head about how I was gonna tell them. I don't know why it came out like that.

"Oh Nat-" Jackson stood up, "I'm sorry."

Cass pulled me into a hug. London joined.

"I'm sure she'll be fine." Cass said right in my ear.

I don't know if this makes me the worst person alive, but I don't feel anything.

Like it doesn't seem real so why should I feel sad over it?

"We should just like ignore it." I pulled away, "I just wanted to tell you guys so you don't think I'm acting weird."

London nodded, sensing I really don't want to talk about it. "So about the small party I'm throwing tonight."

Brooks nodded, "Like half the school is coming."

"I'm only going for free booze," Alex cracked a smile, glancing at me as he did it.

Thomas is the only one not here.

Which is okay because he's not even really apart of our group. He just kinda sat at our lunch table one day and decided he was our friend.

"Are you all going?" I sat on London's bed next to her.

"We're not," Sam gestured between himself and Jackson.

"Yeah those fine Florida girls are screaming our name." He smirked, "Well, not yet."

"That's disgusting-" I turned away from him.

Maddie looked down at her watch, "I am so sorry guys but my grandma is supposed to be here like now," She kissed my cheek, "I will see you later. We'll talk."

I nodded, "Bye Mads."

She disappeared out of London's room.

"I don't know if I want to-"

London's head shot in my direction, "What do you mean you don't know if you want to?"

"Yeah dude, you have to get shit faced. It's a tradition." Alex looked upset as well.

"Not to mention it's a pretty good distraction." Cass added.

I would much rather be on the couch with Mackenzie watching a movie. I know she agrees by the way she's looking at me right now.

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