25 - Uncle Marshall

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Thanksgiving is in 4 days and I really, really can't imagine how Mac is holding up. She won't talk about it. She hasn't since she first moved here. But I know she's missing her parents right now. Her friends. Everything about how her life used to be.

So I've been trying everything I can to make her even remotely happy; I let her pick the show we started binging, I've been driving her places, taking her out to dinner. I was even the big spoon a few nights ago. That didn't go very well because I like being held and she really likes holding me.

I think it's because she holds onto my tits while she sleeps.

But I think she's starting to catch onto my extra-nice routine.

"What the hell has gotten into you recently?" She looked at me, still laying in bed. "This is the first morning in like months that you haven't made me go running with you." She sat up, "Don't you think I should be warming up for the annual Matthews Family Turkey Day Run?"

A tradition only the Matthews are stupid enough to have: A 4 mile long run. The winner gets a brand new something. Last year it was headphones. The year before that, a car. Uncle Marshall participated that year. He won.

"I just didn't want to wake you my love."

She frowned, "You've been acting like this for a week."

I sat next to her on my side of the bed, "Acting like what?"

"Overly nice. Like people do when they first find out about my parents." Her eyes went wide, "Does this have something to do with them?"

I only looked at her. I should tell her the truth, right? I mean no reason not to. Maybe I can kiss her right after and she will be like 'Oh Nattie I l-'


What the hell was that?

"It does have something to do with them!" She stood up, now looking down at me, "I don't need pity Natalie. Not anymore. Please don't give it to me." She walked towards my door.

"Where are you going?"

She turned and glared at me. If looks could kill. "I'm going to take a shower. Your brother is gonna be here soon and he already doesn't like. Might as well not be in bed with his sister when he gets here." And with that, she walked out of the room.

I guess she is right, about Kidd seeing us together. I think he doesn't not like her. He just doesn't like when people are real with him.

I laid back, letting my mind travel to college week right before break.

"UCLA is the place for you Nat." London wrapped her arm around my shoulder, "I mean, it's been your dream since like 3rd grade."

No it hasn't.

"No it hasn't. Like not for real. Nat wanted to go to NYU but her parents shoved the idea of UCLA on her because of their lacrosse program." Cass looked down at the UCLA table with little purple and yellow pens and pamphlets.

"They have lacrosse at NYU?" Jackson furrowed his eyebrows.

"No idiot. She wants to be a writer." Cassie shot him a look telling him to shut up.

My cheeks flamed. "So where do you want to go Brooks?"

As far as anyone knows, I am meant to be at UCLA. I am meant to play lacrosse. I have my whole life set out for me.

I want NYU more than anything. I want to be a writer. I want to be the best. Lacrosse is something I am hoping to leave in high school.

That's why I applied to both schools. No doubt I'll get into them both. UCLA has already acknowledged my lax skills. Plus my clean record, amazing attendance, and impeccable grades, I'm set. Same goes for NYU. Except they don't care about lax. They care about writing. And I've won multiple competitions. I even went to this state thing and placed 2nd. I think I have a really good shot at both schools.

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