26 - Half a year

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I woke up an hour ago. Mackenzie was still fast asleep and honestly, she needed it. Mom and I are making pumpkin pie right now. It's a tradition that we make a pie first for good luck.

I wonder if I'll come home next year to make pumpkin pie by myself. If I'll come home during the holidays at all. Maybe I'll just stay wherever I am.

"And now we let that sit in the fridge for a few hours." She sat across from me, "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I shook my head, "Do you think it would be okay if Cass could come over and stay the night at our house after she eats with London?"

"Yeah that should be fine." She nodded. After just sitting there for a moment, she reached out and grabbed my hand, "How are you doing Nat?"

I looked at her for a moment, "Honestly?"

"Honestly." She nodded.

"I'm surprisingly okay."

She smiled, "I am so glad to hear that."

"Mom I have to tell you something." Here we go.


"Well... I am dati-"

"Yo! What is up party people!" Kidd came into the house followed by Marshall and Dad, "We got the bird."

"Please don't tell me you shot one." Mom looked at them horrified.

"Oh this year is not the year for that honey." Dad rest his hand on her shoulder then looked at me, "Nat can we talk in my office?"

"Of course." I stood up. I fully expect to be in trouble. The sincerity in his voice is scary. He does that when we're at work events and I've done something wrong but he doesn't want anyone to know.

Once I sat down, he closed the door and sat across from me, "You're not in trouble."

I let out a long sigh, "Thank God."

"This is about that paper you let me read a few weeks ago? I realize it's been a minute but I wanted this to be a surprise."

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "So I am aware how much you love writing and how badly you want to go to NYU."

"How could you even-"

"Teddy and I talk." He leaned forward, "I knew you loved writing but I never really knew how good you were and after I saw your work- I knew I had to do something."


"So I submitted it to Hunters and Co's annual writing competition."

My stomach dropped. "Dad. Please don't tell me you kept my name on it!" I stood up, "You know how many people read the entries in that? That piece was personal-"

"It has a serial number not a name." Dad nodded, "You've been accepted into the second round."


"The final draft is due on the 5th of December." He stood up, "I sent all the details to you through your email."

"I don't know if I should be mad at you or not."

"You can't speak to anyone about your results. You know the rules."

"Dad, this is a really big deal. Does mom know?"

"Of course she knows. It was her idea." He clapped his hands together, "Now, let's get back out there before someone wonders where you've gone."

I nodded, standing, "Thank you Dad."

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