15 - We are friendly

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Mackenzie is acting weird. I think. Maybe I'm acting weird.

I just don't understand these feelings I have for her.

And my mom is dying.

And none of my friends know.

And Kidd and I still aren't on good terms.

And I have to judge a bunch of freshmen this year.

"Are you with us Miss Matthews?" Mrs. Carlson grabbed my attention.

The rest of the class was looking at me.

"Yes ma'am."

She eyed me for a moment before continuing on with the assignment, "This will be due Friday by the end of the day."

"Mrs. Carlson?" William raised his hand. Like he does every time we're in this class. Bro always has a fucking question.

"Yes William?" She sat at her desk.

He cleared his throat, "I thought we already did an assignment like this the first week?"

"That was a feeling you do not understand. This assignment is about something no one knows about you. It can be a feeling you have or just a plain old secret. You have to be comfortable enough to share it with the class so don't do anything stupid."

"Do we have to share?" Veronica Franklin. I forgot she was in this class.

"It is 50% of your grade, so yes." The bell rang, "Alright students, have a wonderful rest of your day. I will see you tomorrow."

"Are you okay?" Mackenzie found me at my locker right after class.

"Fine." I'm not fine. I like you and I am really trying to ignore it. Because I can't like you. I don't want to hurt you like that.

She shook her head, "You're not. You haven't talked to me all day and that's weird."

"Why is that weird?"

"Because I know you like talking to me." A smirk appeared on her lips when I didn't answer. "You just proved my point Matthews."

I couldn't fight the smile on my lips, "Who wouldn't love talking to you?"

She leaned on the lockers next to me, "What is up with you today?" Her face changed slightly more serious, "Is it about your mom? I mean we don't have to talk about it but I get it if her going to Madison this week is making you more sad."

I shook my head, "She wants to act like nothing's wrong and that's fine with me." I stuck the poetry book in my locker, "I just have a lot on my mind."

"Well you can tell me you know?" She put her hand on my arm, "You know I'll listen. Especially since you haven't told any of your friends yet?" She retracted her hand.

"I can't tell them Mac." I looked at her again, "How would I even say it? Like, "Oh guys it's worse than we thought. She's dying. Say your goodbyes." No."

"Well maybe after school we can try to come up with a way to tell everyone?" She stood up straight, "Or we could just eat a greasy burger and do our calculus homework."

A smile crept on my face again, "We can do both."

"Good." She nodded, not breaking eye contact. "Okay well I guess I'll text you. The meeting is only gonna last like an hour and a half so I'll probably just sit out there. If that's okay?"

The idea of Mackenzie watching me play lacrosse makes me really nervous. And she'll see me in my uniform, all sweaty and covered in stains. Jeez that, "Sounds great." I nodded, "I'll text you before it starts okay?"

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