Names (+ Info)

4.5K 76 74

All Might- ABuffStick

Midnight- BDSM

Aizawa- SleepyCat

Thirteen- 13

Nezu- 200-IQ

Present Mic- CantHearYou

Snipe- BulletMan

Recovery Girl- #1Nurse

Hound Dog- YouNeedTherapy

Ectoplasm- SteamyCopy

Vlad King-  Vladpire

Lunch Rush- youhungry?

Cementoss- Walls

Power Loader- Handy Mann

Y/N (You)-  Y/N?

The readers pronouns will be they/them

The reader is 14 years of age

The reader is in Aldera High

The reader is feared because of their quirk

The readers parents are not around much 1) because of their work 2) because they're scared of Y/N, but when they are around they aren't the nicest to them.

Your quirk is 'Hanahaki' or also known as 'heart suffocating love'

Quirk downsides: 

If the user uses their quirks, it can cause miserable pain and in most cases death to the victim

The victim only has 1 year, until they die if the quirk was not lifted. The whole year will be spent in lung crushing pain.

The user has extreme struggles falling in love because they feel that they will never be good enough, its one sided love and no one will fall in love with someone with a villainous quirk

If the user does manage to fall in love then they will almost never confess in fear of getting rejected and then dying of 'heartbreak'

Both the user and victim can die from 'heartbreak' however, the victims death will be far worse then the users

As soon as the user dies, anyone with the quirks affect also dies along with them, in the exact same way in the span of 2 months. They know this will happen as where their heart should be will be a black dot in the centre. Everyday the dot will grow until about 60-62 days time, on the last day of the second month 11:59 pm, the victim will fall to the floor and be paralyzed, then will die the exact same way the user did by 12am the 1st of the 3rd month. Only in 1 case has this not happened, instead of dying they were forever paralyzed whilst in agonizing pain, the pain lasted until their death, 4 days later.

How to get rid of the quirk

Victim must confess to their crush and their crush MUST return the same feelings honestly, if the victims crush says yes but lied, or said no, truth or not the victims heart will stop causing them to drop dead on the spot. But if the victims crush said yes, and it was the truth...then the quirk put on the victim will disappear, and the victim will turn into great health. But if they break up, then the victims ex will then have the quirk on them, not the original victim, the same process goes for the new victim.

The user must die. (which leads to their own death)

The victim must die ( doesn't really get rid of the quirk the victim just drops dead on the 1 year mark)

The victims quirk (if the victim has any quirk to do with love, hate, relationships or immortality, the users quirk will not work on them.)

Quirk Upsides (?)

The only way the user can die is heartbreak, heart attacks, or any other ways to do with the heart.

The user can turn off their quirk to people when ever they want

if the victim falls out of love, and maintains eye contact with the user, the quirk will fall/fail

The user can use the quirk on many people at a time

The user can tell if someone is in love, and tell who they are in love with

{533 Words}

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