The Big News!

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This part is going to mainly be an actual normal story-fic rather then a text-fic, but there might be a bit of texting!

(FYI This part is what happens before the end of the last part, so before he tells Izuku he was adopted, but after they parted ways.)



'Ugh, why did they have to disrupt the first time I actually get to meet Zuku-kun! Whatever they have to say has to be very important.' Hitoshi sighed under his breath as he continued walking along the pavement towards the orphanage. The streets were generally quiet besides the few pedestrians and cars going by as people have already started school, and work, so it won't be busy hour just yet. Hitoshi decided to take the scenic route as he doesn't appreciate the nature that often, due to him not leaving the orphanage outside of school.  He took a sharp right turn into the forest that eventually leads to the same route as the regular route would, just a bit longer. Hitoshi took in his surroundings, tall trees towering over himself, and small birds and insects crawling or flying about.

 Hitoshi noticed that high up in one of the shorter trees, there was a stick nest with hatchlings screaming for their parents inside. Hitoshi closed his eyes and breathed heavily a coupe of times as he continued his way of slowly walking down the make-shift path. Once Hitoshi finally opened his eyes, he nearly fell backwards as he almost walked right into a spiderweb. 'Ew, ' Hitoshi thought. 'Stupid spiders always getting in the ways of things-oh. There's baby ones too...they're called spiderlings, right?' Hitoshi grumbled before kneeling under the spider web and crawling below it to avoid the substance and the residents living in it.

Hitoshi saw the path which connected the forest and the regular road together, and so he speed up, in an attempt to be able to get back to the orphanage quicker. However, that was easily put off to the side when he saw a little black and brown large, weirdly shaped creature on the side of the bush. Hitoshi looked down in confusion before he kneeled down to be able to take a closer look at the large, weird shaped fluffy creature. Upon seeing that the creature was just a cat which was simply resting along with it's kittens, Hitoshi just smiled slightly before quietly getting back up, and on track.

Hitoshi finally made it back on the path which led to the orphanage. 'Shouldn't be too much longer now, about 4 or so minutes now, right?' Hitoshi thought as he continued along the concrete path. Hitoshi let his eyes wonder about for a while until he finally found it, what he was looking for this whole time! The orphanage, which he thoroughly disliked. Why? Because everyone there as so rude, the other orphans, even some of the staff! Like seriously, how ridiculous, they're supposed to take care of him! However because if his quirk, he is an outcast, a villain, a monster...

Hitoshi shook those negative thoughts out of his head before going back to his usual 'don't bother me' look. With his mouth curved into a straight line, and eyes lazily opened, looking directly in front of him, with his back in an arched position. 

Hitoshi sighed as he walked inside the orphanage, only to be greeted by one of the managers at the front, and some strange looking men. "Ah, Shinsou, you are here. Perfect timing!" She happily exclaimed as she turned to look at the bored expression on the boy. "Yeah, yeah, what was so urgent that you had to call me during my free time?" He asked into a mono-tone and annoyed voice, emphasising on 'my'. The lady just smiled back at him with her eye slightly tilting before going back to her sweet-caring persona. "These lovely gentlemen here, are going to adopt you!" She gleefully exclaimed, with a slight blush on her cheeks. Hitoshi's facial expressions stayed the same, besides his eyes, his eyes widened as his pupils shrunk at the  sudden news that he was bombarded with. He quickly shook off his shocked persona before anyone could notice it, and went back to his regular face, however not quick enough as both of the men noticed it, but also slightly nodded at each other to stay quiet.

 "Now you two," the lady started off. "Why don't you both wait in here, and sign the documents whilst I go help Hitoshi...pack!" She finished off with a slight stutter at the end. The men looked as each other before one of them happily obliged with the request dragging the other one near the documents as the other to left the room. Hitoshi and the lady walked over to Hitoshi room. He had a separate room compared to everyone else, because no one wanted to share a dorm with him, the freak. Hitoshi wasn't complaining though, more free space, and less annoying little brats to deal with, a win-win opportunity really. Hitoshi felt nerves run through his veins, why would she, the one who probably hates him the most, offer to help him pack? Something is incredibly wrong and he is about to find our why-SLAP! 'Oh.' Hitoshi thought, as he brought his left hand up to his stinging cheek. "Now listen here, brat." The lady started off with. "You will do everything  you are told to do, alright?" She finished. Hitoshi started fidgeting. 'Everything? What if they make him kill himself, or, make him do something terrible like having intercourse with them-STOP IT HITOSHI! You always overexaggerate and over think, don't be dramatic! Hitoshi groaned in slight agreement before being sent of to pack his little belongings up. The lady watched for the first couple of minutes before getting bored, muttering something about the transfer still happening as they agreed to the school, before going out to the two men, probably to open her legs for them. Hitoshi snickered, as he wouldn't put it past her. Hitoshi lightly slapped his arm, before using this as an opportunity to inform Izuku-kun of the circumstances.




Hito-kun is online. Say Hi!

Hito-kun: I'm back at the orphanage. They told me what was so important.

Hito-kun: ...

Zuku-kun is online. Say Hi!

Zuku-kun: That's cool! What is it?

Hito-kun: ...

Zuku-kun: Huh? What's wrong Hito-kun? Nothing happened about the transfer right?

Hito-kun: No. The transfer is still the same for a week and a half.

Zuku-kun: Then what's wrong? Why do you seem nervous?

Hito-kun: I'm getting adopted.





Sorry for not posting in a while everyone!

I have been so busy with school lately.

Hope you enjoyed this part!

I should hopefully be able to make another part tomorrow as well!

Maybe two if I feel up to it!

Anyways, by everyone! Hope you enjoyed!

1034 words (Not including the Author notes!)


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