Going home, blacking out!

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Hi guys, once again this one will contain more actual writing rather then text-fic, but the next one should be a text-fic again! It should also have Y/N with in since I haven't written a chapter with them for a little while!



Hitoshi grumbled under his breath once he managed to shove the last item into his large plastic bag, before throwing it over his shoulder and walking out of the room. Hitoshi heard some talking going on in the other room but decided to ignore it, not wanting to get in trouble of his last day in the orphanage. Hitoshi slowly opened the door leading towards the main lobby, and walked inside closing the door behind him. When suddenly he heard something shattering in the room behind him, followed with yelling. Hitoshi felt a sharp pain in his head, not knowing what is was from though, so he looked behind him, only to see the glass of the door shattered and some of the other kids in the orphanage laughing. Hitoshi sighed, and pulled his hand up to where the pain was coming from, only to quickly retract it at the feeling of a warm liquid oozing itself over his hand. Hitoshi looked at his hand, and the warm blood slowly finding its way off of his hand, and onto the cold wooden floor below him. 

Hitoshi dropped the plastic bag on the floor before kneeling down and grabbing a dark cloth inside of it, and holding it over his head, trying his best to stop the bleeding. The lady showed a shock and distressed face, however both Hitoshi and her knew, she was just acting. Hitoshi was unable to figure out what emotion the two older men had on, something, that has never happened before. Hitoshi was rather good at figuring out what peoples emotion conveyed, because of his childhood. He had to know, otherwise he may of been in danger without knowing it. Because of this, Hitoshi became rather nervous and fidgety when the lady left to 'reprimand' the children, in which she would never do, as they had, heroic quirks.

Hitoshi kept the cloth over his head, but also grabbed the large bag, in order to not leave it on the floor for to long. He moved out of the way of the door, in order to lean on the rough surface of the walls, awaiting the arrival of the lady to come back. In all honesty, Hitoshi never learnt her name, and couldn't be bothered to ask for her name. Hitoshi hissed slightly when he felt an even sharper pain in his head, he quickly retracted the cloth before touching around the wound. Hitoshi grabbed the cloth with the same hand which was holding the bag, using his other hand to touch the injury. Hitoshi would grimace his face slightly if he touched an area in which it hurt, or felt weird. 'Damn,' Hitoshi thought. 'What did they even through at me, it would have been something heavy to break the glass, but it didn't knock be over when it hit me either.'

"Hey kid," One of the men began. "Do you want me to look at it, there might be a piece of glass in there?" He asked. As much as Hitoshi would like to accept his offer, he couldn't bear the thought of someone touching him, let alone a stranger. "No thanks." Hitoshi muttered before placing the cloth back over his head, as the bleeding had over run his hand once again. Hitoshi felt his stomach twist and turn once he looked at his free hand, the one which was just touching the wound. Dark red blood was staining the surface of his pale skin, and some heavier flows of the crimson liquid crawling its way down his arm. Hitoshi felt his throat get warm as he felt the familiar burning in his throat, feeling like he was about to throw up. But it never came, the expression on Hitoshi's face never changed, it seemed as if he was just looking at his blood stained arm. 

Hitoshi looked away from his arm when he heard the door open, letting the re-arrival of the lady be known. "Ah, Hitoshi, I deeply apologize for their behaviour." She said in a forced sort of way, when she remembered the two men standing in the room with Hitoshi. "Uh, it's fine. I think?" Hitoshi asked, but not really in the form of a question, more likely trying to persuade himself that it was fine, even if he knew it probably wasn't. "Thank you so much for forgiving me Hitoshi, but, you three should make a move-on now. Before the traffic gets to busy!" She said in a persuasive sort of tone, before handing one of the men the adoption certificate, and ushering them all out of the door.

It was a silent walk to the car, besides some comments on asking if Hitoshi was alright, and if he needed to go to the hospital at all. Hitoshi just responded with somethings that made the two men more worried, such as: "It's alright thank you, but I've dealt with far worse". Hitoshi sighed with the poor attempt that he was alright, but luckily they made it to the two men's car. "We're here!" The blonde, and louder man happily stated before rushing over to the passenger side door, and quite literally jumping in the car. The other man just told Hitoshi to sit in the back seat with his stuff, whilst he found a bandage or a towel for his head. Hitoshi muttered a thank you before placing his belonging's in the back seat, but not himself, in worry he will stain the car. 

Hitoshi waited outside of the car, before he nearly jumped as the man placed and wrapped something over his head.  "Sorry if I scared you, Hitoshi, was it?" Hitoshi sighed at the realization he wasn't in danger, before nodding slightly and saying, "Yeah, my name is Hitoshi." He turned around to face the man, before seeing a slight smile sketched on his face, for a few seconds, before going back to his mono-tone face. The man lightly pat head making sure to miss the wound, before saying, "My name is Aizawa Shota, the over-energetic blondie is Yamada Hizashi." Hitoshi nodded before getting in the car, followed by the man, he now knows as Aizawa.

The car ride back to their house was a quiet one, besides some occasional questions that the two men asked, as well as a few that Hitoshi asked. The more that the both of the men talked, and answered questions, the more Hitoshi felt that he knew them. However Hitoshi just shrugged it off as nerves. In a short while, they arrived to a house, in which Hitoshi assumed was theirs. "Any other questions you want to ask us before we go inside?" Yamada asked. "Uh yeah, actually, you two are married correct?" Hitoshi began. "Yes we are! Why?" Yamada turned around to the boy. "Then shouldn't you both have the same last name, I mean, yours is Yamada, but his is Aizawa?" Hitoshi finished. Yamada's face brightened up at the question. "Ah, we are teachers as well! So having two teachers with the same last name might get confusing, as well as the fact that we both wanted to keep the same last names! So, we did!" Yamada happily exclaimed as he turned around to get out of the car, alongside Aizawa. Hitoshi did the same, once he exited the vehicle he grabbed his bag and turned around, closing the car door. He heard Yamada quickly rush up to him and lightly grabbing his head, turning around to Aizawa as he did so, saying something about how his head is still bleeding, and he is loosing a lot of blood. As he did this however Hitoshi noticed something and just starred at his arm.

"Oh, how unfortunate," Hitoshi began, his eyes slowly closing, due to feeling so light headed as the blood loss. Two men looked at him in concern and worry as Hitoshi continued to look at his arm and loose his balance. He said something before his eyes closed and he fell to the ground.

"The blood ruined my favourite shirt." 


1336 words not including Author notes.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this part, it wasn't a text-fic, so I apologize the next chapter should be one, or at least include some, along with Y/N! 




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