Otousan, Okaasan...

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Shinsou Hitoshi has biological parents, we know that, but we haven't really seen them in the anime. So this chapter is going to be about them, and how Hitoshi got placed into the system.\

There will be a part two tomorrow or around that time.

Hitoshi would be about 8-10 in this chapter, so 4-6 years before this story took place.

Most events that occur in the chapter if from the past, however there will be minor parts where it's talking about the present (Future?) in the next part/chapter.

TW! (Trigger Warnings)



-Major gore



-Organ procurement (also called organ harvesting)



- decapitation


This has no chat-fic in it, just Hitoshi angst and trauma^0^



Hitoshi watched in horror from the safety of the closets door as his parents let out blood curdling screams. His mother was sobbing as thrashed and pulled against the chains in an attempt to get to her husband, Hitoshi's father. The woman had rusty needs and poles pierced into her skin The mysterious person held a tight grasp against her husbands throat as he slowly made work on ripping his stomach open with a ragged, and rusty blade.

His mothers screams were numbing, but his fathers made his stomach churn in disgust. He felt a hot sensation in his throat which burned and burned, but Hitoshi just swallowed it, in order to not made any noise as chilling tears made there way down his face. Hitoshi was shaking terribly, letting out small whimpers from time to time, and his mothers and fathers screams covered the tiny noises perfectly, the monster was unable to know of his location.

Hitoshi had the bite his lip and cover his mouth to ensure he wouldn't sob or scream, otherwise his location would be revealed. Hitoshi wanted to look away from the scene so bad, curl into the corner of the closet and never come out, but something, some sick thing inside of him made him keep watching. His eyes were watching the scene, as his stomach churned with disgust and discomfort. His fathers organs were out by now, Hitoshi didn't know when he had stopped screaming and went limp in the monsters grasp. His mother had stopped screaming as well, only letting out small from time to time and clenching her fist around the object which was pierced in her skin when the squelching sound were made from her husbands organs and intestines.

Hitoshi was kind of happy that his father went to the afterlife, sure, he did in the most disgustingly terribly way, and was surely in a high velocity of pain. But he was safe now. He would be in Heavens arms as his soul left to rest for eternity. Hitoshi didn't think it was weird, feeling relieved that his father was gone, he finally has peace, that's not weird, it's a nice way to think about it, Hitoshi thought as he smiled, imagining his father floating into Heavens awaiting arms. Everything happens for a reason, it's Gods plan. But why? Why does God make the most innocent of people face unjust and inhumane ways of life before they deal with death. Should that not be reserved for evil? Is it a warning, a way to make them feel relieved or more excited for the afterlife? Perhaps, just perhaps, he's a sadist, and enjoys our pain and suffering.

Then why would he make some people happy and successful living seemingly perfect lives, for the envy and hatred others would face towards them, we'll never know. Maybe, I Don't know my father like I think I did? Maybe it isn't God looking upon us all, but rather something more sinister, more evil, and God, is trying his best, but can't he's trapped in Heaven, away from the mortal realm. Maybe he gave up on us, saw the humans greed, and thought 'They must all be like this'. They weren't, Otousan, Okaasan, they were the best, they weren't like the other humans. So why?

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