Kittens? Absolutely.

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HI guys, I am so sorry, I could've sworn that I had posted this on the  November the 12th, but something happened so I'm posting it today. 



Hitoshi groaned as he opened his eyes, fluttering them for a few seconds before looking around. He felt a strong headache come from the sudden light infiltrating his vision. Hitoshi looked around for a few seconds longer before his eyes settled on a door about 15 feet in front of him with a window filling the room with the light followed to the right. He got up and walked towards the door, opening it, and setting foot into the even brighter hallway, before carefully walking down a staircase which swirled around a large pole, leading to the lower story.

"Ah, you're awake, good to know kid. You scared us both quite a bit." Came a voice when Hitoshi finished walking down the large swirly staircase. Hitoshi squinted a bit, trying to come to a recognition of who the voice belonged to, Aizawa Shota, the more relaxed out of the two men which had brought him to their house. Hitoshi lifted his hand up to scratch his head, before his head reached a fabric sort of material. "Huh?" He muttered, trying to remember what may have happened the day before. Hitoshi sighed in annoyance before asking the black-haired man, "Why's my head wrapped up?". He got a worried look from the man as he turned around to face Hitoshi, before explaining about what happened the day before hand, and how he was injured by one of the other children at the orphanage.

Hitoshi hummed in acknowledgement to the man, before thanking him for reminding him. "Oh that reminds me," Aizawa started off. "Hizashi, he wanted to talk to you about your schooling, you're transferring to Aldera Junior High, in about a week or so, correct?" He finished. Hitoshi nodded his head, and hummed in agreement before adding on, "Yeah, I am. About a week a 3 days now, Aizawa-san." Aizawa gave a slight smile before looking down on his lap and picking something up and holding it above his head, and turning to face Hitoshi. "The lady at the orphanage, she said that you liked cat's correct? I've got a few around my house, this one, she's Mashed Potato, about 1 year of age now. And please, don't mind the name, I made the mistake of allowing Hizashi to name her."

Hitoshi starred at Aizawa before starring at the cat, before looking at Aizawa again. "Yeah, I do like cat's one of my favourite animals actually." He said as he finished by muttering something under his breath. Aizawa gave him a confused look at the muttering but gave it no mind for much longer, as he offered for Hitoshi to hold her. Hitoshi walked forward thanking him, before gently picking Mashed Potato up, and cradling her in his arms. Aizawa chuckled a bit as Mashed Potato cuddled into Hitoshi's embrace, purring against his arms. It was then that Hitoshi realized that he was in the same blood stained shirt, just with a jacket over him, which covered the red stains. 

"Hey, Aizawa-san?" Hitoshi asked as he took his attention off of Mashed Potato for a brief moment to talk to Aizawa. "Yes Hitoshi?" Aizawa answered as he also took his attention off of the cat to look at Hitoshi. "Uh, the jacket over my shirt, who's is it?" Hitoshi finished as he continued look at Aizawa but also still patting the cat. "Ah, the jacket, that one belongs to Hizashi. He thought you looked a bit cold, but he didn't want to change you or touch your belongings without your permission so he just put it over you when you passed out a few hours ago before putting you in bed." Aizawa finished  the explanation to Hitoshi, taking note of the way that he flinched when he talking about Hizashi changing him, but didn't make a big deal out of it, making a mental reminder to talk to Hizashi about it. 

"Heya Aizawa! Do you know if the kid is awake-oh. Hey Hitoshi! How you feeling?" Hizashi happily questioned, noticing his presence behind Aizawa. "I'm feeling well, thank you Yamada-san. Here is your jacket back by the way, thank you for lending it to me." Hitoshi answered as he fumbled out of the jacket, and giving it back to Hizashi, Mashed Potato in hand. "Mashed Potato has taken quite the liking to you eh?" Hizashi smiled as he draped the jacket over the sofa, where Aizawa was sitting. "Huh? Oh, I guess so? Does she not usually warm up to strangers that quickly Yamada-san?" Hitoshi questioned as he rubbed behind Mashed Potato's left ear, and under her chin. "Pft, nah she doesn't. I still remember how long it took for her to get on friendly terms with Aizawa, best few months of my life!" Hizashi exclaimed as he chuckled to himself. 

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