The uneasiness...

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SleepyCat, BDSM, and 3 others are online. Say Hi!

BDSM: Hey, has anyone talked to (Y/N) recently?

#1Nurse: No, I haven't, they haven't been online either.

SleepyCat: That's strange, they're usually always online

BDSM: Oh yea, @SleepyCat,and @CantHearYou, did you check the staff chat?

SleepyCat: Yea, @CantHearYou did as well, but I agree, it probably is nothing, if it is I hope they reach out for help though

(Y/N) is online. Say Hi

BDSM: Crap...clear chat!

Chat Has Been Cleared

(Y/N): Why did you clear the chat?

CantHearYou: Oh, uhm

SleepyCat: We were talking about hero stuff, that you're not supposed to hear..

(Y/N): Alright, but couldn't you had of done it in like a staff or hero chat?

BDSM: we thought this was one of them, sorry (Y/N)!

(Y/N): you don't need to apologise, it's just a mistake..

200-IQ: Well, thank you for forgiving us (Y/N), it won't happen again

(Y/N): your welcome..

200-IQ: but back onto topic, I got more information on you, (L/N) (Y/N)!

(Y/N): 1 please don't share it, 2 just say my first name or a nickname, preferably first name though..

200-IQ: Alright we'll all use your first name, but I'm still going to say the information, which includes your quirk and address!

(Y/N) is offline. Say Bye!

200-IQ: Well, that's less fun isn't it!

BDSM: @200-IQ, perhaps you shouldn't share, that. As much as I do want to know, they seemed uncomfortable with it..

ABuffStick: No, please do share it Nezu, we need to confirm that they aren't a villain!

200-IQ: @ABuffStick,please do not fret, they are not a villain, and @BDSM, I do agree that they deemed to be uncomfortable, so I will just share their quirk, instead of both their quirk and address!

BDSM: Nezu, I believe that the address is not the biggest part of the problem...they seemed extremely anxious yesterday when you said you found out some of their information, and they almost immediately asked about if you had found out their quirk...

200-IQ: yes,  do agree there, that the quirk could be the biggest problem with them, but it would have to be found our or revealed eventually, and getting it done sooner rather then later is better.

BDSM: ...

ABuffStick: May you please just tell us their quirk already @200-IQ?

200-IQ: whatever..

200-IQ: their quirk is 'Hanahaki' also known as 'heart suffocating love' as its nickname.

SleepyCat: oh, I've heard about that quirk, it's extremely deadly, but it's also very rare right?

200-IQ: Yes, it is extremely deadly, but luckily it is also very rare.

#1Nurse: Yes. The Hanahaki quirk is extremely deadly, and rare only about 12% of the quirked population are born with that quirk, more than 70% become villains, 25 die by the age of a teenager, and that %5 percentage of people either become a hero or citizen and die of a different cause, rather then their quirk.

BDSM: wait, their own quirk can kill them!?

#1Nurse: Yes, it's a stage called 'heartbreak' though for the user to enter the final stage is rare. As that will cause them to be in love with someone, though if the quirks user confesses and gets rejected, then in exactly 2 months time, they will die. If they don't confess they don't die. But, as soon as the quirks users die, anyone under the influence of that quirk, dies at the exact same time as the user.

BDSM: And I'm guessing its painful?

#1Nurse: For the user, the dying isn't painful, its the two months before hand and the doubt. Though for the victims, it is extremely painful. You know the mythical disease hanahaki?

BDSM: yes?

#1Nurse: Think of it as that, but as a quirk in which someone can control, and it can be far more deadly, and there is only 1 way to cure it, and not die from it.

BDSM: Which is?

#1Nurse: the victim confesses to their crush, and their crush says that they have the same feelings. But they have to be honest. If they lie in any way, if they said they liked them or they didn't, they will drop dead on the spot. The same fate goes to if they say no, and it's truthful. It's horrible, really.

BDSM: wait, so the victim cannot get surgery!?

#1Nurse: No, doctors tried it once, but the victim died as soon as all of the flowers were pulled out. 

SleepyCat: so they have an extremely deadly quirk, shouldn't we keep an eye on them @200-IQ?

200-IQ: No need for that, I already am keeping an eye on them :)

SleepyCat: ... why am I not surprised...

SleepyCat: *sigh*

ABuffStick: Did you just type '*sigh*' Eraserhead?

SleepyCat: I did, or can you not read?

ABuffStick: ... noted.

200-IQ: So, now if I'm correct, you guys have classes to teach, right. Well I'm POSITIVE that I'm correct...

SleepyCat, BDSM, and 1 other is offline. Say bye!

#1Nurse: I don't teach- ah, never mind...I have a patient, bye.

#1Nurse is offline. Say Bye!

200-IQ: :)

200-IQ is offline. No one is online. Bye!

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