(Late) Christmas!

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Hey readers, sorry for being 5 days late to the Christmas Chapter. I've been super busy this week. But I made time today (Even if it's my fathers birthday, sorry Dad). I hopefully should be able to post a new years eve one tomorrow if I'm able to open my Birthday presents early enough, and if I can't make time tomorrow, I'll make one on New Years Day!



"Remember that deal Yamada make with Shota? Well it didn't go well. He's already broke Shota's FAVORURITE coffee mug, again." Nemuri sighed as she talked to Chiyo. "Really? It's not even 7am? How'd he manage to do it?" Chiyo asked the younger hero, as she organised her medicine cabinets.

"No clue, apparently he used his quirk, and Aizawa couldn't cancel it in time, or something along the lines of that. I know it broke from his quirk though. He panic called me this morning at like-4am. Woke me up for something I couldn't help him with, 'least he helped me organise his funeral." She laughed in response as she kicked her legs back and forth on the uncomfortable medical bed, before looking to her phone as a message chimed.

"Who is it Nemuri dear?" Chiyo asked as Nemuri's face lightened up. "It's Y/N-san! Oh, I'm so excited, pretty sure the school they go to-what is it? Aldera High? Yeah, that's it pretty sure they had the day off!" Nemuri squealed in response to Chiyo before quickly punching in her passcode and responding to Y/N.



Hey! Good morning Nemuri! How's your Christmas been so far?

Aunt Nem-Nems:

Oh, it's been great, Yamada's probably dead right now, broke Shota's favourite Mug, but besides that hasn't been to eventful! How about you? How's your day going, you got the day off of school right?


Yeah we did! So that's always awesome, but eh, my days been pretty un-eventful so far. It's just like a normal day y'know? Well, besides the presents. So, I'm guessing Hizashi failed the deal then?

Aunt Nem-Nems:

Yep! He can never keep a deal. Actually, in 2nd year he was able to keep one. He had to ask Shota to prom and if Shota agreed then he won something. I think on the night Shota ditched him for some cats though, it was hilarious. It was mentioned at their wedding. By me of course!

Y/N-san!: Damn, that'd suck, getting stood up by your future husband. Did he still get the prize of the bet though?

Aunt Nem-Nems:

Yeah, since he got the prize before prom, I think he got like, a new Mic or something, can't remember. The guy he bet with was pissed though when he found out Shota left, tried to get it back, but Yamada still technically won the bet, he got Shota to agree, so wasn't much he could do.


Good for Hizashi then, I suppose. Sorry, I've 'gotta go, got a crap ton of homework to do. I always leave it to the last minute. Bye!

Aunt Nem-Nems: Oh, alright, bye Y/N-san!

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