Christmas Eve Shenanigans

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There will be censored swearing, mentions of sex stuff/kinky sh*t. A bit of Yamada x Shota, and the biggest warning of all, Y/N will be here.




UA Staff group chat +1 child for some reason

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BDSM: It's Christmas EVE! Finally, this year has surely taken it's time!

SleepyCat: Yeah, yeah, whatever

ICantHearYou: Come on Shota! Don't be so down! Get in with the Christmas spirit!

SleepyCat! I'm not wearing any of those uncomfortable sweaters which were made in hell to punish the living. Seriously, why are they so itchy..

200IQ: Now, now everyone. Calm down. Just because it's Christmas eve, doesn't mean that we can relax. We still have to get ready for the students of next year.

BDSM: But that's so boring seriously! Can't we relax for two days!

200IQ: No, I made the mistake of doing that last year and what happened?

BDSM: Yamada and I burned down Lunch Rushes kitchen, making the sprinklers go off, then the whole cafeteria and kitchen were soaked in water...

200IQ: Exactly. Never again.

#1Nurse: Come on Nezu, let them relax, they've been working so hard this year. Plus it's just two days, what amount of chaos could be caused in such little time.

200IQ: Last Christmas, the Christmas before that, the Christmas before that, and the Christmas before that, this school was in shambles.

#1Nurse: That won't happen again, because you will be watching over them this year.

200IQ: No I will not. You're making it sound as if I volunteered to do this, I'm not the one who wants to do it, so why should I be a babysitter to full grown adults?

#1Nurse: My cane hitting you across the head, for me to heal you, hit you across the head, again, and again, until you beg for the sweet release of death, for me to heal you again, and for the process to go over, and over, and over, and over again is why you volunteered Nezu.

200IQ: ...
Fine I will watch over the overgrown childish adults, however if anything happens, anything at all you're going to be blamed.

#1Nurse: Very well then, but nothing bad will happen, right children?

BDSM: Nothing bad will happen, I promise you Chiyo, and Nezu!

ICantHearYou: What Nemuri said! nothing bad will happen this Christmas! It'll be full of jolly and joy!

SleepyCat: My doubt senses are going through the roof right now, but whatever.

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