Zuku & Hito

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Hito-kun and One Other is online. Say Hi!

Zuku-kun: Hello Hito-kun!

Zuku-kun: How are you?

Hito-kun: Hi Zuku. I am alright. How about you?

Zuku-kun: I'm good thanks Hito-kun!

Zuku-kun: But I have a question.

Hito-kun: What is it?

Zuku-kun: How long is it until you transfer to Aldera?

Hito-kun: Oh, I think it was about two months last I told you, but I think I'm transferring sooner the orphanage said. Something about some kid leaving, so I have the opportunity to transfer quicker. So about, two weeks, or maybe one. 

Hito-kun: I'm not positive. I will have to check with the orphanage.

Zuku-kun: It's alright! But it's so exciting! We'll be able to meet sooner!

Hito-kun: Yeah.

Hito-kun: Didn't Y/N-san mention that they went to the same school as you?

Zuku-kun: Yeah. I'm pretty sure they did.

Hito-kun: Have you two met yet?

Zuku-kun: No, I don't think we have, we might have seen each other once or twice. But I don't really know. They have stood up for me a couple of times, everyone's afraid of them or something.

Hito-kun: Huh? You don't know what they look like? And why are people afraid of them?

Zuku-kun: No. I've listened into other peoples conversions about them. And they say that they mainly keep to themselves. But I'm not sure why people are afraid of them. Maybe there quirk, or their parents perhaps, apparently they're decently rich or something.

Hito-kun: Huh, interesting.

Hito-kun: Do you know their quirk?

Zuku-kun: No, no one really talks about it. Though one kid mentioned that Y/N-san threated a kid with "death" or something. I doubt they did. Y/N-san seems really nice!

Hito-kun: So they have a 'villainous' quirk?

Zuku-kun: Hito-kun! Don't call it that! They may just have some powerful type quirk.

Hito-kun: 🙄

Hito-kun: But seriously, you not knowing their quirk. That's like, so rare.

Zuku-kun: Seriously Hito-kun?

Hito-kun: Yeah? You like, talk about EVERYBODY'S quirks, especially 'Kacchans'. And you know like everybody's.

Zuku-kun: I know ALMOST everybody's quirks because it's either a mutant quirk, or they bully me with it! I've never seen Y/N-san mention or use their quirk!

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