Chapter 19- nightmares

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I peeled my eyes open as I yawed and stretched out.

"Ow" Ollie laughed as I noticed my hand pushed against his face as I stretched out my achy muscles.

I muttered an apology and looked over to the clock on the radio.

5:00am. My eyes scanned out surroundings that's when I saw a sigh for Leeds coming up.

"Are we going to Leeds?" I asked Ollie's as I glanced over at his tired form.

He simply nodded in reply.

"But the next races are in Newcastle in a few days" confusion laced my voice.

"That's where they expect us to be, we'll lay low here until the the race wars start here in just over a week, they'll probably just assume we went home and I refuse to actually go home and ruin this trip, we came her to watch amazing cars race and that's what we'll do!" I was taken back by Ollie's outburst and I sighed.

"Okay keep your knickers on, I think I should drive so you can sleep" I said as we turned off the motor way and came on to normal streets.

"No, the hotel is only 5 minutes away" he persevered which made my lips turn up.

We pulled into a small car park not so long after.

The hotel looked small but the building was gorgeous and the garden around the hotel was beautiful and well kept.

Ollie got to the front desk and ordered our room, he payed for it since the college payed for us to be there on a different day.

Ollie slipped the guy behind the desk a 50 to cancel the room the college ordered and to confirm we checked in if Mr Carr called for any reason.

I waited at the lift with our stuff.

As I stepped into ourroom I got a sense of comfort.

The large double canopy bed was big with flowery sheets and plush pillows.

There was a window seat that was also covered in the same matching flowery pillows. The small dining area only consisted of an old wooden table and Chinese style chairs.

The wallpaper had doves and antique bird cages all over it.

Overall it was cute and it reminded me of the room I used to stay in when I stayed at my grandmas when I was little.

I dumped our stuff and flopped down on the bed with a huge huff.

"I'm sorry about all this, it's all my fault, but I promise to protect you even if it kills me" Ollie's words made me sit up instantly, I saw the guiltiness in his eyes.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"We don't know what they want but were in this together now" I reassured him as I stood on my tip toes to place a small electrifying kiss on his lips.

"I think you need to sleep now" I told Ollie as I looked at his exhausted state.

"Go to sleep, I'm just going to take a shower" I added.

Grabbing my toiletries and a long shirt I walk into the little bathroom.

I let the water run for a little whilst I brushed the knots out of my hair then I stepped out of my clothes and into the steaming water washing away the tiredness and stress as my mind cleared itself instantly.

Thoroughly washing my hair and body I stepped out of the shower the steam taking over the air in the little bathroom as I brushed my teeth, moisturised my face and tied my hair into a bun.

Changing into my big shirt that came mid thigh I tiptoed back into to the room and stuffed my clothes into my bag.

When I glanced up Ollie was watching me.

"I thought you'd be asleep" I asked genuinely surprised because be looked exhausted.

"I found myself struggling to sleep without you by my side" he said with a yawn but his words made me so happy inside.

Slipping into the bed without another word Ollie pulled me close to him, so my head was resting on his chest and his arms were securely around me and within minutes his breathing went steady.

I don't know what kind of trouble I could be in but all I know I'd I'm scared and nothing rarely scares me.

I'm just hoping that the guys after Ollie will just forget about us and go about their business but the chances of that are highly unlikely.

Ollie stole from his previous boss, planned to leave then faked his death.

Even though the whole faking his death wasn't intentional I doubt this boss guy will believe him.

I'm just dreading that this guy actually finds Ollie, if he blew up a guys car with him in it because he wanted to leave his group what sort of things will he do to Ollie?

I hugged Ollie tighter just thinking about someone hurting him.

I don't even want to think about him being hurt or worse.

He's only just walked into my life and we clicked so fast.

No one has ever treated me the way he has and he can't leave me.

My mind spun with worried thoughts for about an hour until my eyes fluttered closed.

He was stood above me again, his evil eyes glaring into mine, what did I do that was so bad?

Another punch connected with my face, my cheek bone throbbed at this point.

Curling up into a ball on the floor only fuelled the kicks to begin to my ribs.

"Stop!" I screamed.

"You don't get to tell me what to bitch"

That's when he stamped hard on my head, my uncontrollable screams pulled me out my nightmare.

I sat up lightning fast trying to catch my breath, my hand clutched my chest as I remembered the horrible pain in my chest and ribs.

My eyes flickered up as Ollie scrambled in the room holding a towel to his waist.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Ollie sat in front of me on the bed examining me.

"I'm fine, it was just a nightmare" I brushed it off because I don't know if I should tell Ollie about my past, I know I know his and I'm being selfish but it's hard to say it out loud.

"It's not fine, you're struggling to breathe, you were screaming the same stuff you were last time" Ollie looked concerned and hurt, I do want him to know because I want him to know everything about me, even the flaws.

"That's because you weren't in the bed with me" I frowned.

Ever since I've been in the same bed as him the nightmares have not really happened, I think it's Ollie's sense of safety he leaves on me.

He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

His eyes stared deep into mine, slowly breaking down the walls I spend so long building in my head.

He did it in a way no one has ever before, he looked concerned but determined, my poker face finally dropped.

And I just broke down and the sobbing started, without my walls and poker face keeping me strong, the hurt and reality of the situation hit me in the face and I felt the pain all over again.

Ollie pulled me into his lap and rocked me slowly.

Kissing my forehead and occasionally whispered to me that it's okay and coming from Ollie's mouth it felt real and I did feel like it was okay now that I have him.

When I got control of my sobs I looked up at Ollie's face and his eye pierced into mine making my heart swell inside.

I climbed off Ollie's lap and sat facing him.

I think he deserves an explanation.

New chapter, please ignore the mistakes, comment, vote x


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