Chapter 23

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Christian and Sebastian's house was more like a huge modern apartment/mansion almost hidden by the forrest like garden separating it from another house.

I couldn't help but gawk at the beautiful building.

Apparently they own a very famous car garage that has branched out over the years and they are sponsored by Ferrari.

They are basically very rich men.

When I asked Ollie why they lived together he just said they do everything together and they wanted to live in the ultimate bachelor pad.

I sighed in relief as I saw all the other Ferraris in the drive way, knowing my best friends were ok.

We made it up the steps and through the front door.

The house was just as amazing on the inside with shiny white marble floors and matte black walls with spotlights everywhere.

Ollie dragged me to where I assumed was the lounge, where everyone was.

My two best friends jumped up as soon as they saw me and I was soon in the middle of a Gabby and Nina sandwich.

"Amelia, what the hell is going on? Are you okay?" Gabby yelled making me wince.

"You had me worried sick, tell us everything!" Nina screamed causing my headache to resurface.

"I think I should clean her up first and she also needs some rest, talk to her tomorrow" Ollie interrupted our group hug which I was kind of glad for because my body ached all over.

"There's no rooms left on the first floor so take the master bedroom on the second floor, your suitcases are in there" Sebastian said to Ollie.

He nodded and once again dragged me to where we needed to go.

We made it to the room and I headed straight for the huge bed.

I groaned when Ollie pulled me into the en suit  bathroom not letting me relax my tired legs.

"Sit" he muttered as he searched through the cupboard.

I hopped onto the counter as Ollie pulled out a first aid box.

"How did this happen?" Ollie asked pointing to my eyebrow where it was split.

I stayed quiet for a minute not wanting him to get mad but I didn't want to lie to him either.

"I got punched" is all I said.

Ollie tensed, I looked down not wanting him to see me but I caught a glimpse at his knuckles which were white from balling his fists.

"Did he hit you more than once?"  His voice scared me but I knew his anger wasn't directed towards me.

I just nodded to his question.

When I finally looked up at him his face was hard as stone.

Bringing my hand up to his face his eyes flickered to my pleading ones.

I didn't like seeing him angry.

He seems to calm down a bit and his eyes softened a little.

His eyes went down to the cut on the bottom of my neck and his eyes widened once again.

"What about this cut? How did this happen?" He looked like he was scared of my answer.

"It was a knife but..."

He didn't even let me finish my sentence before his fist connected to the wall and a loud thud erupted though the quiet bathroom.

"Stop! it was an accident, he didn't mean to cut me!" I yelled trying to shake his angry mood.

"But he did for fuck sake!" I winced at his tone as his gorgeous blue eyes turned darker.

Ollie has never shouted at me like that.

I flinched at his loud voice and a little squeal left my lips.

Hearing my pathetic squeal Ollie glanced down at me his eyes softened completely and I started to see the Ollie I loved again.

"I'm so sorry Amelia, I shouldn't be angry at you, it's all my fault what you went through in there" he looked hurt.

"Please don't say that, it's no ones fault" I really don't have the energy to put up a good fight.

"I just really want to sleep" I added.

"Not yet Lia, let me clean you up first"

Ollie took out antiseptic wipes and started to wipe it on my eyebrow.

I winced at first but with his gentle and consistent strokes crossing my skin I got used to it.

Once it was clean he stuck a thin plaster over my eyebrow and then moved to my neck, cleaning this cut for longer since it was deeper.

I just watched his face as his look of concentration was so cute.

He got a bandage and placed it over my cut before he stuck surgical tape over it to keep it in place.

Taking a wet sponge he wiped the dried blood off my chest and packed everything away.

I felt myself drifting off, the sound of Ollie's chuckle made me jump back awake.

He gently picked me up bridal style and walked me into the bedroom and placing me on the bed.

I heard him fumbling around but my eyes didn't have the energy to open.

He pulled my arms so I was sat up and then lifted them above my head as my top was peeled off my body.

I pried my eyes open as he started undoing my jeans button and pulling them off.

His eyes didn't hold any lust or cheekiness nor was there a smirk on his face I just saw pure love and caring as he picked up his navy blue Ralph Lauren jumper and put it over my head and then one arm at a time, it was massive on me almost like a nightie.

As I peeled back the covers and readjusted my pillows Ollie stripped down to his boxers and climbed in the bed with me.

Being in his arms again was amazing, I thought I'd never get this again so as I drifted off to sleep I squeezed him a little tighter as he kissed my forehead.

Sorry if this is short, it's just a little filler chapter.

Comment and let me know if you think I should do the next chapter in Ollie's POV from when Amelia was taken or just carry on as it is in Amelia's POV.

I do update every week but I will try to update faster.

Please fav and comment.

~Shannon x

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